NHL 2010-2011 Season

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thank God for NHL Center Ice. can't believe hockey gets so little air time on network TV. no wonder the fanbase is dwindling. i remember about 10 years ago when me and my roommates would slide 2 TVs together so we could watch games on ESPN and ESPN2 at the same time. ah, the good ol days. now i can't even get all the Wild games in HD cuz FSN only has 1 HD van and the ____ty Timberwolves get priority. WTF??

That sucks. Back in the day NESN had the same setup with the Red Sox having first dibs on the HD equipment. Thankfully nowadays they have the Bruins home and road games in HD. The only problem is the audio for road games make it sound like Brickley and Jack Edwards are talking into Dixie cups.
I loved it when espn had NHL, they also had pro beach hockey on early in the morning which was cool as hell. People always say hockey is hard to follow yet ____in golf has its own channel. :slap
Caps beat a minor league team called the Leafs last night, got the win but looked sloppy doing it.

Green really had a bad game in his zone last night, I hope Bruce works him over about it.


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Pacioretty goes public and says top six position or leave me in the minors... There are players who would give anything to be on the third line. It isn't a loser line. Lots of third lines in the past have done really well. Also, what a commentary on his third and fourth line teammates in the process... I realize he likely didn't mean to offend anyone, but he's in no position to even make requests... I wonder if he wants out ala Grabovski.
i see John Travolta dropped the gloves last night for the pens. interesting.

Say what you will about Crosby, but you have to respect the fact he drops the mits. I cant stand guys and teams that do the old face wash then hide behind the ref, yes Im talking to you Mtl Canadians

As much as the Leafs suck, 90% of those guys will fight, I respect that
Halak is off to a fabulous start.
The Blues are looking pretty good this year so far.
can't believe they won last night. their Power Play looked like ____. sharks had a lot of SH opportunities and a bunch off odd-man rushes on the PK. but when you can't score a goal in 3 games i guess it doesn't matter.

looks like Boston will be playing the Blues on saturday. hopefully we'll see a Thomas vs. Halak matchup. should be interesting.
can't believe they won last night. their Power Play looked like ____. sharks had a lot of SH opportunities and a bunch off odd-man rushes on the PK. but when you can't score a goal in 3 games i guess it doesn't matter.

looks like Boston will be playing the Blues on saturday. hopefully we'll see a Thomas vs. Halak matchup. should be interesting.

With the B's playing the Caps tonight, I'd suspect they'll start Rask tomorrow. Too bad, since it would be a great match-up.
So many empty seats, thats nuts!

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