Super Freak
Re: 2013 NHL Season
They are good people.. so is Kyle... lets have them in. Good hockey people. Makes for good competition. I just eff'ed up with time.. I just wished we had 5 minutes of grace period. And Deez to get in. I kind of wished you didn't reset... I mean I want Deez in, but these people made lists and prepared. Hate to say now they can't be welcome in.
Also, I want people we know only. So it's cool if you want to invite your buddies Eli, but I have no idea who players like 1girl2sticks were or Schlitz n Stick?
I don't care if it's a 6 person league, just as long as we are all active.
They are good people.. so is Kyle... lets have them in. Good hockey people. Makes for good competition. I just eff'ed up with time.. I just wished we had 5 minutes of grace period. And Deez to get in. I kind of wished you didn't reset... I mean I want Deez in, but these people made lists and prepared. Hate to say now they can't be welcome in.