My only issue with the press conference is that they didn't give any detail other than the price and release date. No info on the kind of power this system will have or online features or anything , really.
The only thing that got my attention was Mario, but that's to be expected. Mario never disappoints. Same with Zelda. I need to see more games.
32gb hard drive. Cartidges. 720p undocked running about 0.4 terraflops. About 0.9 teraflops docked and 900p is what I read. Compared to 1.3 teraflops of the Xbone and 1.8 teraflops from the standard PS4. The Pro has 4.2 and the Scorpio is rumored to be 6.0 terraflops. All of that doesnt makes little sense of the jargon to me to be honest, this is what I got off google.
Personally though I think its utterly rubbish. My 7 year old said the same, he would rather play his PS2 or PS3 I gave him. 3rd party support will be dire. Im bored of repetative Mario games. I never liked Dragon Quest. Monster Hunter has become boring. Id love a new side scroll Kirby. The worst thing is that Zelda should be a console selling title. It's not; its still coming to Wii U!!! Theres zero incentive to buy a Switch in my view.
Its £280. Add £65 for a pro controller. Add £15 for a screen protector. Add £20 for a carry case. Thats £370 BEFORE a single game at £50. Zelda is £60!!! Its unbelieveable. We are halfway through this generation. We have had the unprecedented release mid cycle of upgraded consoles which we never had before to bring in UHD 4K HDR. Nintendo barely make 1080p. Its just unbelieveable.
Worst thing is, I have zero use for gaming on the go. I drive. I never use public transport. When I play games my wife and kid are in bed, Ive got a nice hot pizza, pint of whatever, lights are off, my feet are up and im fully immersed for 3 or 4 hours.
Amazon sending out update emails that Master Editions will indeed arrive on March 3rd.
Almost puked when I saw the subject line....thought they were canceling my order. : /
Kinda Iffy on whether or not I need this at release, definitely going to buy it eventually, but I already have a Wii U and the only killer app on the system atm is Zelda imo, which I am hyped AF for but, I can play it on my Wii U. I pre-ordered at EB anyways, figured it'd be easier to cancel one than try and track one down on launch day. I'll probably make my decision by the end of the month. I got an invite to the Switch event in Toronto, I'm going on the 28th in the time window 10:00-1:30. If Arms and Splatoon 2 impress me then I may keep the PO, otherwise, I'll probably just wait until the holiday season and hopefully there'll be a bundle for Black Friday or maybe an LE console for SM Odyssey.
OMG who in their right mind would pay $200 CAD for the Master edition!!! It's insane how gauged that price is, practically a $30 markup, and the sword looks like complete ass, the one Reggie had on treehouse today was literally bent, it's about as sturdy as an amiibo sword lol. Also the price for the accessories are pretty steep. $90 for a pro controller. $100 for a set of joycons. $40 for a charging grip. It'll be an expensive system in the long run, I don't doubt they have more peripherals in the pipeline that'll cost astronomical amounts. (All the prices I'm referring to here are CAD, not complaining about the conversion (except the master edition) just the prices overall) I mean most ps4 and XBONE controllers go for $75 a piece in Canada, and $50 when they're on sale. I just can't fathom $90 for a controller. It better be a damn fine controller I guess.I'm probably going to cancel the games I ordered at Gamestop today and get them at Best Buy with the Gamer's Club discount. Sooo many of these Switch games are overpriced.
It seems like a good console to own in 2018.
And Matticus, go for the new Muario. Iz good.
I've got to ask: what is it that makes Nintendo products like crack to consumers, everywhere? I grew up playing their games on the NES, N64, and beyond, and I will always have an appreciation for Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, and the like, but is that it? Do they just coast off of the nostalgia factor and brand recognition, because I'm always puzzled by how, not to sound like an ********, but technologically inferior they are to competitors, and yet, they consistently manage to have huge hype surrounding their products. I realize that might sound like an indictment or me ******** on Nintendo, but it's genuine curiosity, I assure you.
It's the nostalgia, but looking at the Wii U that only goes so far. Zelda looks amazing (though of course it'd be better on another console) but the new Mario looks terrible to me.
For this, Zelda is a strong launch title compared to the Wii U but they needed more. 1 2 Switch looks like crap as does Arms, I can't believe how much they're charging for those. They're free or like $10 at best.
I dont think Zelda is a strong launch title when its £20 cheaper on Wii U. They shouldve made it Switch exclusive. Take a hit and charge an extra £20/$30 to bundle it with the console.
The reason why this may not seem practical is because the install user base for the WiiU is roughly
15 million
Nintendo will only ship 2 million Switch units for launch.
Their objective is to sell as many Zelda software as opposed to hardware because that's where they will make majority of their profits