Even more disapointment; Zelda apparently 900p docked. Cant reach 1080p. https://m.uk.ign.com/articles/2017/...eath-of-the-wild-for-nintendo-switch-is-1080p
I've got to ask: what is it that makes Nintendo products like crack to consumers, everywhere? I grew up playing their games on the NES, N64, and beyond, and I will always have an appreciation for Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, and the like, but is that it? Do they just coast off of the nostalgia factor and brand recognition, because I'm always puzzled by how, not to sound like an ********, but technologically inferior they are to competitors, and yet, they consistently manage to have huge hype surrounding their products. I realize that might sound like an indictment or me ******** on Nintendo, but it's genuine curiosity, I assure you.
Their big first party games get great reviews despite being on inferior hardware.
Even more disapointment; Zelda apparently 900p docked. Cant reach 1080p. https://m.uk.ign.com/articles/2017/...eath-of-the-wild-for-nintendo-switch-is-1080p
Overall, if you don't intend to sell, then digital is much more convenient. I have the same issue though, I have a hard time not buying physical, atleast in terms of Nintendo Published games. I can't imagine if all of my steam games were physical it'd be a huge pain in the ass to switch discs all the time and I'd have no room in my house at all with near 700 games. I think most people just buy physical because they retain their value forever. I bought the MH4U LE N3DSXL and I actually love having it at my fingertips at all times, but the collector in me still wants a physical copy of the game.I prefer physical copy. Only buy digital if there is no physical option.
Digital enables them to overprice. Problem is cartridges never seem to lose value either. If you look at 3DS games like Pokemon, they are almost asmuch preowned as they are brand new. So we might see the trend of cartridges holding value.
The other issue is how expensive the games are. Zelda is priced at £59.99/$73 while 1..2...Switch is £39.99/$49. Mario Kart is priced at £49.99/$60. Its crazy how the games are all so differently priced. Ontop of that, Mario Kart 8 deluxe is a port of a 3 year old game with bits added like a few courses and characters. I wouldnt pay more than £30 for it like I didnt Skyrim or Return to Arkham but its a penny off £50!
My brain just doesnt comprehend the Nintendo fan logic of defending the launch lineup and the console itself as a must buy.
For me, it's just I want something new. My PS4 collects dust, and I'd rather get back to the Nintendo side of things.
I'm starting to agree with everyone about the cartridges. I think I'll stick with physical for now.
I'm probably going to cancel the games I ordered at Gamestop today and get them at Best Buy with the Gamer's Club discount.
What's everyone's opinion on downloading games instead of buying the cartridges?
Everytime a new system comes out, I say I'm going all digital, but I couldn't do that with Zelda, but I may for the rest.
Legend of Zelda launches....
MARCH 3RD, 2017
The wait is almost over.
The trailer looks beautiful.
I think Zelda just sold me.