Super Freak
Gotta get season pass for Zelda.
A must for any Zelda fan.
Gotta get season pass for Zelda.
It's only a little bit more powerful than the Wii U, since it's mobile it's sacrificing a lot of power for that mobility. Which is a big problem because it means that developers will have the same issue of having to do significant amounts of work to get multiplatform games running on it. For example, Skyrim is coming for it, but it's not the enhanced edition.
it's roughly 4 times more powerful than the Wii U
about par with the XBOX One
Fox Conn Employee leaked the hardware performance specs. It's more powerful than the Apple IPad Pro
"The Switch's reported use of the custom Maxwell Tegra means the console will have more than 1 teraflop of performance, VentureBeat reports. This would be well below Project Scorpio (6 teraflops), the PS4 Pro (4.2 teraflops), the standard PS4 (1.8 teraflops), and the standard Xbox One (1.3 teraflops)."
What you have to remember is undocked the Switch only has to display on a 6 inch screen. When it is docked it has a performance boost.
I believe the Switch is 1.024 Teraflops for a handheld is pretty powerful
XBox One is 1.3 Teraflops
Switch can be overclocked to 2 Ghz
It should be able to handle this gen's 3rd party titles
Games I'd love to play on the Switch (which I think could easily be ported over)
- Injustice 2
- Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite
- Resident Evil 7
- Mass Effect 4
- Kingdom Hearts 3
- South Park Fractured But Whole
- Red Dead Redemption
- Street Fighter V
if Nintendo cant attract these developers the system will be DOA like the Wii U
LOL at all the teraflops and resolution tech talk. It makes my head gigahurtz.
The Switch needs Nintendo's exclusive titles. It's the reason we even think of playing a "Nintendo" in the first place.
It's all about gameplay.
I still say the Wii U was a failure because of the lack of Nintendo support. NOT because it had weaker technical performance.
Nintendo allowed that system to fail.
Forget about trying to compete with Microsoft and Sony.
There's no way the latest portable device can compete with the latest home console. The latter doesn't have to be concerned with power consumption to the same degree as a portable.
The Switch will need everything in Nintendo's library to be successful.
Bring all those popular franchises to this unit, and some new ones (they did a great job with Splatoon!) and it will exceed the Wii U in sales.
I don't know why they aren't flooding it with rereleases of all the good Wii U games, even though they're out most people haven't played them. Though they don't have all that many games coming out early on, at least Zelda is significant compared to pretty much nothing for the Wii U until it got Pikmin 3 many months later.
Wow.. that is seriously beautiful. Wonderfully understated.
I don't know why they aren't flooding it with rereleases of all the good Wii U games, even though they're out most people haven't played them. Though they don't have all that many games coming out early on, at least Zelda is significant compared to pretty much nothing for the Wii U until it got Pikmin 3 many months later.