The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
I'll wait for the smaller Mini Switch version a year later 

Cool gimmick, but as a guy in my early 30's, I don't walk around with games or go outside to play games with other dudes like in the commercial. If I was 12, this console would be great, but as an adult, it's a no go for me. If Nintendo makes the old games catalog available, and this console has a lot of third party games, then it might be worth it.
Hope they come out with a Legend of Zelda Bundle
I'm sure they'll have a bundle but I don't see a Zelda themed Switch happening.
Really? I totally disagree.
They made a Zelda-themed Wii and Wii U, why not expect a Zelda-themed Switch?
Again, you could be 100% right. Time will tell, but I would be surprised if they didn't eventually release one. It seems like Playstation and X-Box have a themed console coming out every other month. (It's an exaggeration, but still.)
Also, Twilight Princess on GameCube was not released on the same day. Wii was November, GameCube was December.
You're not playing nba2k outside after you just got done playing real basketball? Lies.
I actually like that you're able to take the game on the go. For people like me who work in a cubical all day I'm able to play during my lunch break at my desk for an hour or so. The extra appealing part is these are actual console games, not 3ds made games which I generally have little to no interest in.