My muse is a fickle b**ch
Strange my kids hog the Wii like it's crack.I'm just a bit of an addict,i can stop anytime.
This game is spectacular!!
That's seems to be the consensus. I think we're just weird.

Strange my kids hog the Wii like it's crack.I'm just a bit of an addict,i can stop anytime.
This game is spectacular!!
The $25 gift card isnt only for preorders, preorders do get that collector's coin though.
My TRU didn't get the game in as well...well atleast when I had left they didn't (130pm). So many people acting like ***** to us, and a few cussing going on as well.
The gift card is an insane promotion! Pay $50 for a game most would get anyway and get half your money back??
It makes no sense to curse out the Toys R Us guys when it's so clearly the shipper's fault. And besides... get half your money back? Come on. The manager at the local store handled the crowd very well, answering questions and inviting people to call him personally the next morning, even offering to hold one for someone there who couldn't make it in until Thursday.
Might of read your post wrong, but I wasnt the one cussing, I was the one getting cussed at. And then when the other guy came in for his shift he shared the wealth.
One of the dumber things I remember being said was that we should sell them (the people that showed up yesterday morning) the preorder copies for their incovience. Which I through was just horrid since we had just finished telling them (me and the manager) that we had recieved no copies of the game yet.
I'd be really worried if my Wii glowed blue. But perhaps some penicillin will clear it up...
Got resident evil: umbrella chronicles yesterday evening. the only place that had it was gamestop, which was weird. anywho, hope to play it when I get home tonight. :chew:chew:chew
Got resident evil: umbrella chronicles yesterday evening. the only place that had it was gamestop, which was weird. anywho, hope to play it when I get home tonight. :chew:chew:chew
Do you have the Zapper? You gotta play that game with the Zapper right?
17 stars in galaxy. INSANE FUN!!
Couldn't tell ya, i don't get sick from video games.But there is lots of what you mentioned LOTS!!!
I say get it,it's worth a trip to the toilet now and then![]()
I really want to get this game, but I get seasick on a cruise ship. All the moving around and spinning is worrying me. Is it really bad, or does it just look bad?
17 stars in galaxy. INSANE FUN!!