You once again you conveniently sidestepped every point I made and answered them with more questions. I was never talking about the joker.
And this thread was never about open edition size. At all. Not remotely.
Atheris said:
What I pointed out if you read my previous post again was that your congratulating SS for "no ES with NRD", when some pieces have NO ES at all.
And that was hell on the knickers, wasn't it? See if they can handle this twist: the pieces with temporarily undisclosed ES are not unlimited, in theory or practice. TBD means that there will be an edition size, and it will be announced.
Atheris said:
These can not be called collectibles as they are not advertised as limited or numbered. The other point you dodged is why its acceptable for SS to charge $2000 for an item that will NEVER have a disclosed ES.
I didn't, actually. That was the entire point of my post. No matter how unlimited the $2000 Iron Man decoration is advertised as, there is always going to be a discrete number of pieces in existence. What will that number be? I don't know. Go count them if it's so important to you. I'll bet the lint in my pocket that there are
not very many.
Atheris said:
I dont see you congratulating SS for open edition sizes in your original post or in the title of this thread.
That's because I wasn't.
Atheris said:
Essentially, what im gathering from your responses is that you could care less if SS didnt put a singel ES on any of their products....you would still be happy to buy them at the prices they charge.
Legacies Neytiri has been up for PO for a while now at $1600. Yet their is still no ES on that piece in all this time. Your telling me if SS never disclosed an ES we should just PO anyway because their called "sideshow collectibles"? Where is the exclusivity in an investment like that?. Why would I buy something at $1600 if I knew their would be thousands more out there, which would in turn also effect resale value or appreciative value in the future?
Then perhaps you should polish your deductive logic up a bit because not only did I state explicitly that it mattered, I also have said nothing from which it can be inferred that I believe edition size was unimportant. I'm sorry you had to write so much based on that false assumption, but if you had paid more attention, and not allowed your indignation to post for you, you could have avoided that.
Atheris said:
The 1:2 Ironman is good example of this.
Really? There are thousands of them?
Atheris said:
SS is still selling them for 2k, yet theirs many in auction on ebay for well under the MSRP.
Did you buy an Iron Man for retail? Did you know it was an open edition? Does it sell below retail because it's not rare, or are there simply not that many people interested in buying such an expensive decoration, rendering the demand too low for it to fetch prices worth selling at in the secondary market?
Atheris said:
This is considered a collectible to you?. If the 1:2 Ironman had an ES of 300-400 that thing would easily be selling well over the MSRP right now.
How do you know it doesn't? Because in a rotten economy, people aren't willing to pay over MSRP if they don't have to?
Atheris said:
So again my question is, why should we pay $2000 for an item with no ES?....wait I know, because Devilof76 said it was alright.
Don't be petty. Why
did you pay $2000 for it? You knew the situation, did you not?
Atheris said:
Also, dont try turning things around about what I spend on my collectibles vs starving children.
I didn't. You blamed Sideshow for being motivated by greed. What are you motivated by in pursuing that salary you can't help but brag about? Selflessness?
Atheris said:
Every member on this board or person living in the western world can be accused of buying things they dont need like collectibles despite their being starving children in this world. That is a very shallow and hypocritical remark.
It's not, but I can see why you were confused. You think that you are not motivated by selfishness (er, greed). And if you are not, explain why you don't donate everything beyond the bare necessities to charity.
Atheris said:
But to answer your question, I make enough a year to buy the toys I do and still donate more to charity as I do, than you will in a lifetime.
What does your vanity have to do with anything? I almost care how much you make, but it does go to support my argument regarding your hypocrisy in calling Sidshow greedy. Are you collecting to resell, to boast, or to appreciste the art you purchase? If it's the first, why do you need the money? How much is enough for you? Is Sideshow's greed interferring with your own? Why do you have a right to be while they do not?