I won't fork out for a NRD if there is the possibility of something being only vaguely collectible.
Why are you buying them then, To flip? Does the way the piece looks on your shelf not come first?
I think there are 2 types of collectors
1) The collector who wants the piece no matter what and buys it
because he/her likes it and wants in there collection to look at
and every time they see it, It brings a sense of pleasure that
they own it.
2) The collector who sits on the fence before ordering wondering how
much the piece will be worth in 6 mths and is it worth pulling the
trigger on it, This buyer walks past there shelf everyday wondering
if the price has gone up on there piece or if they have lost money
and when they look at the piece they see $$$ signs at not how
great it looks. They like it of course but the money side edges it.
Both are collectors but for different reasons
Every collector likes there pieces to go up in value who wouldn't but when you don't buy a piece you like because it might not be collectable enough or go up in value enough you have got to start to question yourself are you in the right game.