What about the notion that Sideshow's INDY lines had all kinds of buzz that was just pissed away without having anything to do with KOTCS at all??
Has anyone just flat out asked SS directly what's going on with the Indy line? Are there going to be anymore figures after Toht?
Instead of jumping to conculsions and thinking the worst......Just ask them!
I would think a line is dependant and reconsidered after each PO and after each delivery phase... checking cancellations against who keeps it. Thus, each line is evaluated and decided upon as to its continuance based on sales AND cancellations.
Indy is being looked at hard now with Belloq shipping. How many out of the 2,000 Belloqs will be left in their warehouse? That may very well decide its fate.
They could at least finish off Raiders by giving us Marion and Sallah and not leave the line hanging in the air like they did with LotR. Indy feels lonely sitting on the shelf with no friends. I'm sure even Belloq would be happier if Marion was there
I'm certainly hoping for Mola Ram and Shorty, but as for Raiders, Indy's got plenty of playmates available...
...But if they're about to drop the line I'd rather have them round off Raiders than start jumping around other films. Then I would feel the line was "complete" as in: it was only based on one film.
I don't see Indy products from anyone so far. Maybe all that stuff from last year was too much too soon overboard.