Obama's speech....

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Jul 31, 2006
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Atlanta, GA

Very inspirational. I still don't like he or McCain, and the cynic in me wants to say it's more of the same, but just maybe, if the hope can return, it'll be enough for people to right their own ships.
Pretty bad if you ask me.....

promises to pay teachers more?...doesnt everyone say that...yet no one has..haha

promises to bring the future automotive factories back to the usa??.... why/how is that when most americans desire foreign exotic imports

oh and i loved the line...McCain is two scared to go to the cave Osama is hiding in......ok...ill vote for obama if he in fact knows what cave hes in....million bucks he doesnt even know...

the whole speech made me laugh...and im still on the fence....every other night has been good up until tonight ..but then again all politicians are talking out the a$$...i just didnt think it was that good...no need to be hateful guys haha

I thought it was great.
He is a great speaker--but still no vote from me--
Should have promised a gift card to Sideshow for every middle class American
I will vote for Barack if for no other reason than I can't see another 4 years of Republican rule. I think most hard working people in middle class America are tired and looking for hope and Barack symbolizes that.
I just wish when people would speak they would think. When do any of these people give details? They don't. They give ideas. Ideas don't become actions. They are what they are. Let's hope that one day ideas will come to action. It has yet to happen.
He did get more specific than he had in the past. I also thought that McCain won't go to the cave Osama is hiding in was an unfortunate choice of words. He meant that we're wasting time and resources in Iraq when we could be concentrating on Afghanistan, but he went for the unfortunate sound bite.

Otherwise I thought the speech was very well done. I'm hoping that I'm on the cusp of middle class so I don't have to pay the higher taxes though.
He did get more specific than he had in the past. I also thought that McCain won't go to the cave Osama is hiding in was an unfortunate choice of words. He meant that we're wasting time and resources in Iraq when we could be concentrating on Afghanistan, but he went for the unfortunate sound bite.

Otherwise I thought the speech was very well done. I'm hoping that I'm on the cusp of middle class so I don't have to pay the higher taxes though.

You rich bastardo you! :rotfl j/k dave :monkey3
promises to pay teachers more?...doesnt everyone say that...yet no one has..

Yup, but its almost expected that a candidate says that in order to show a pro education platform. As long as he doesn't plan another ass backwards No Child Left Behind Reform which sounds like a good idea but in implementation is completely lost and does nothing but leave children behind....allows states to set their own bars and the states surpassing are either ones who completely refund the government money or set the bar so low that it'd take a real cluster^^^^ to miss it but anyway as long as one of those do not get passed again I'm fine. I'm all for education reform but real reform not real ^^^^ed up policy that sounds legit but even on paper is completely ^^^^ed.

Obama sounded Presidental up there, enough to lock my vote.

Very inspirational. I still don't like he or McCain, and the cynic in me wants to say it's more of the same, but just maybe, if the hope can return, it'll be enough for people to right their own ships.

I agree on all accounts. The speech was perfect. :banana
I think alot of people are putting too much hope in one person to change the direction of this country. Change starts at home. Alternative energy, people need to demand it. The housing crisis and credit crunch. I feel bad for those who lost their job or someone got ill, but not those who live beyond their means. Manufacturing...people vote with their wallets on that issue. I remember Obama making a speech a few months back about Americans not being able to maintain their lifestyle. We can't consume our way out of this mess. Alot a people didn't like hearing that and you don't hear him saying it anymore. He might be alright as prez, but I still think people's expectations might be too high. Just my two cents.
I just wish when people would speak they would think. When do any of these people give details? They don't. They give ideas. Ideas don't become actions. They are what they are. Let's hope that one day ideas will come to action. It has yet to happen.

Can you imagine the shape of a speech that explained, in detail, how a single one of these proposals would work? It would take about three weeks. Intelligent voters wanting more information will have studied the candidates' sites and platforms but in the end you're electing a vision and trusting the candidate to pursue that vision to the best of his or her abilities.

If you like the America of the last few years, vote for McCain. If Obama's America sounds like the one you want, vote for him.
I think alot of people are putting too much hope in one person to change the direction of this country.

I think people underestimate leadership. One only need look at America under Clinton and Bush to see the impact one person can make. An inspirational figure like Kennedy or Martin Luther King Jr serves as a catalyst.

Change starts at home.

Absolutely. But sometimes people need to see the first spark to light the way. Kennedy didn't take us to the moon ... but we went to the moon because of Kennedy.
I thought it was nothing but empty promises and just saying stuff people want to hear. He won't do any of it.
I thought it was nothing but empty promises and just saying stuff people want to hear. He won't do any of it.

His record proves he's been working to achieve precisely these goals ever since coming to Congress. I certainly can't think of a single promise tonight that's contrary to his previous behavior.
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