Very inspirational. I still don't like he or McCain, and the cynic in me wants to say it's more of the same, but just maybe, if the hope can return, it'll be enough for people to right their own ships.
He did get more specific than he had in the past. I also thought that McCain won't go to the cave Osama is hiding in was an unfortunate choice of words. He meant that we're wasting time and resources in Iraq when we could be concentrating on Afghanistan, but he went for the unfortunate sound bite.
Otherwise I thought the speech was very well done. I'm hoping that I'm on the cusp of middle class so I don't have to pay the higher taxes though.
promises to pay teachers more?...doesnt everyone say that...yet no one has..
I thought it was great.
Yeah me2I laughed out loud at that.
Very inspirational. I still don't like he or McCain, and the cynic in me wants to say it's more of the same, but just maybe, if the hope can return, it'll be enough for people to right their own ships.
I just wish when people would speak they would think. When do any of these people give details? They don't. They give ideas. Ideas don't become actions. They are what they are. Let's hope that one day ideas will come to action. It has yet to happen.
I think alot of people are putting too much hope in one person to change the direction of this country.
Change starts at home.
I laughed out loud at that.
I thought it was nothing but empty promises and just saying stuff people want to hear. He won't do any of it.