Nuka Cola Kidd
Super Freak
I thought it was nothing but empty promises and just saying stuff people want to hear. He won't do any of it.
Im with ya
I thought it was nothing but empty promises and just saying stuff people want to hear. He won't do any of it.
But the Democrats NOR the Republicans have changed a damn thing for 50 years.
I never understand this perspective. This country is quite a distance from 1958 and for most people who aren't rich white straight men it's been for the better. And even if we narrow the scope to recent memory, this country is in a very different place than it was just 10 years ago under Bill Clinton.
I never understand this perspective. This country is quite a distance from 1958 and for most people who aren't rich white straight men it's been for the better. And even if we narrow the scope to recent memory, this country is in a very different place than it was just 10 years ago under Bill Clinton.
Obama has my vote.. Its rare for a politician to inspire me.. Great speech, I was moved.
84,000 people who trekked out there just to see him and you're surprised he got three minutes of applause and repeat standing ovations? You'll see the same thing next week for McCain, this is prime "sell your candidate" time because the country is watching. What will really show how tight this race will be will come in the next few days. Who he picks as VP which should be announced tomorrow will be a major pivotal piece and what he says at his show will definitely be the pulse of the race. Despite your feelings on the race or the candidates, Obama was extremely well focused and well spoken. He gave a speech that felt like he was already President and that will be what McCain has to beat at this point.
He did get more specific than he had in the past. I also thought that McCain won't go to the cave Osama is hiding in was an unfortunate choice of words. He meant that we're wasting time and resources in Iraq when we could be concentrating on Afghanistan, but he went for the unfortunate sound bite.
Otherwise I thought the speech was very well done. I'm hoping that I'm on the cusp of middle class so I don't have to pay the higher taxes though.
Obama has most of Hawaii's vote as well. I dont think McCain stands a chance really.