People are just dumb
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This alone makes me want to vote against McCain.
Where the hell do these people come from? Bunch of damn a-holes.
This alone makes me want to vote against McCain.
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This alone makes me want to vote against McCain.
PLEASE tell me you aren't seriously trying to spin this t-shirt report so that somehow it really is McCain's fault (even in a tangential way). Because that would be utter HOGWASH!
Well, I would NOT go so far as to call the lunatic ravings of the person wearing the shirt as "news". And it certainly doesn't make it "fact".
"She added that McCain had, allegedly, used the word himself, "so is it really that offensive?" And she said none of the people pictured were Democrats."
Like I said, this is NOT okay. Earlier today I read about it and saw this reasoning from one of the t-shirt wearing people. I just report news
See, no slant from me![]()
Those people are scary. Those are the idiots that have believed the emails, ads, etc out there the Republican party or its affiliates have put out there. The same goes for the other side as well not saying that there isn't the games being played by the Dems.
The sad thing is these are the types of people that will make up a decent portion of the base of voters. While the rest of us who care about the actual issues that will have an affect on us get let to try and discuss things.
Why these cant be democrats, only republicans do this stuff:
Palin pwns hippie heckler
(The Wall st Journal article summed up for those with ADD)
Obamas slight of hand
The Wall Street Journal today debunks what it rightly calls Barack Obama's 95% illusion, explaining how Barack can promise a "tax cut" for 95% of "working families" when, in fact, 33% of Americans already pay no income taxes at all.
What would otherwise seem like another Obamessiah miracle -- surprise! -- really isn't. Rather, Barack has simply redefined the meaning of "tax cut." He's counting refundable "tax credits" -- that is, government handouts -- as "tax cuts," and planning to subsidize them by sharp income tax increases on "the wealthy." As the Journal explains:
The Tax Foundation estimates that under the Obama plan 63 million Americans, or 44% of all tax filers, would have no income tax liability and most of those would get a check from the IRS each year. The Heritage Foundation's Center for Data Analysis estimates that by 2011, under the Obama plan, an additional 10 million filers would pay zero taxes while cashing checks from the IRS.
Obama's "tax cuts" have nothing to do with letting people who earn money through their own hard work or talents keep more of it. Rather, it's about punishing the people who create jobs, and allowing the government to redistribute income to make all of us more "equal." Well, at least more equally dependent on the government.
If you think the problem with America is that not enough of us count on the government to do enough for us, you should love Barack's 95% illusion.
Well, I would NOT go so far as to call the lunatic ravings of the person wearing the shirt as "news". And it certainly doesn't make it "fact".
It just struck me that your denouncement of the tactic was somewhat backhanded, simply by including the reference to the shirt-wearer's comments. It comes across sort of as "yes, it was a bad thing to do, but McCain and Palin deserved it".
Now, can we please get back to discussing Obama's tax plan. I am just SO excited to know that my tax bracket is going to go up to 45% under the new Emperor.
McCain has played word games with a lot of stuff as well. So both are doing it but in the long run I think the "actual" end of Obama's stuff will be better for the Middle/lower class.