Cmon the wall street journal, who do u think that paper is written for. The only person i know who reads that is my stuck up cousin.
I venture to say your stuck up cousin is probably better informed then you are on matters financial, but I could be wrong
Be honest, you were upset it didnt have a funnies page. Am I right?
This is what I was talking about. You simply can't give an opinion on anything without some smug ass retort from the other side.
I'm sure they know all the numbers better but I was simply saying despite the word games the "actual" end will help folks better.
Are you gonna answer my question Rex? Probably not.
Sorry, conservatives dont have a monopoly on smug.
But sometimes we (dems/reps) are blinded by bias when we agree with the opinion being put forth. No?
So how am I being smug in my reply (emoticons aside)?
What empirical data/proof do you offer to back up your gut instinct on his plan? Ive got the friggin Wall St Journal in my corner!
Stuck up cousins not withstanding do you have any idea how big they are in economics circles?
They pretty much have the last word.
Stop trying to bait me with your "Probably not's.."
Its a wretched debating tactic.
Yes, both sides can play fast and loose with statistics and word play.
(Are you paying attention Josh? Cuz this is my answer)
This is when a candidates character comes into play in a big way.
Since the next President will have to name many individuals to important economic and finance positions I have to ask myself who is a better judge of character and has this countries best in mind?
Obama has proven time and again he makes very poor choices in people with whom he allies himself.
Exhibit A:Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers:Two unrepentant terrorists that he's never disavowed.
Exhibit B:Tony Rezco:Convicted felon who poured thousands into Obama campaign coffers illegally
and got him a sweet heart deal on his mansionas well as being a slum lord in Obamas Illinois district.
Exhibit C: Rev Wright: His America hating pastor that also had an affair with another mans wife from his flock.
Obama attracts the adulation of known anti semite Louis Farrakhan :"You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn't care anything about. That's a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking."
Obama has never gone against elements of his own party when theyre in the wrong.
Do you think he's got the backbone to take on members of his party that helped get us into this economic mess?
Why is McCain called a maverick? Because he's a pain in the ass to the GOP rank and file!
I dont worry about McCain giving extremists positions of power over the economy.
Where as Obama has the 2nd most liberal voting record in congress. For the sake of this discussion "liberal" is defined by me (among others) as higher taxes and expanding government. Both of which are bad for a freemarket economy.What good has that record done for his district besides rake in more pork i.e. taxpayers money.
Josh can you tell me what Obama has done for his own district thats positive
that might be useful for helping the country as a whole?
To sum up:He's a poor judge of character who hasnt offered anything new.
That was me answering your question.
Now take a deep breath and nail down your keyboard.
Have you learned nothing from our time in Gears?