Super Freak
Just got both notices in the mail, man this is going to be cool to have all these toys, but what an expensive month!
Gotta love the exclusive Blasters!
Gotta love the exclusive Blasters!
:chew :chew :chewDarthRamuk said:Dear Valued Collector,
Thank you for your pre-order of our 12” Obi-Wan Kenobi – Sideshow Exclusive (item #21171) from our Star Wars 12-inch Figures Collection.* We appreciate your patience in waiting for the arrival of this Limited Edition, Sold Out item, and would like to inform you that this item will be arriving in our Los Angeles warehouse within approximately the next 15-18 days.
Buffanatic said:I got into collecting the SW line a little late in the game, so I had to settle for "regular" editions for my first three figures; two of which came from other on-line retailers.I snagged an Anakin, Sith Apprentice during the server meltdown, but missed the exclusive on Mace Windu, and wound up on the wait list for the Regular Obi Wan.I got on that list on 2/19/06, and ordered Mace Regular on 2/21......Just got a notice that Mace will be in the warehouse soon,......but I just pray that I can get an Obi Wan......ANY Obi Wan!!!
abstractharmony said:I've got another Sith Anakin on the way from FP so I'm gonna Mustafar him up and then I can set out the Mustafar duel properly once my Obi's arrive!
I'm gonna have an obi posed with hood up and arms in sleeves - 'The Negotiator' and a Mustafar Fightin' Obi - 'The Master'.
JohnyBoo said:I had my phone line fried during a thunderstorm and lightening strike and I have been without internet for a couple of days. I was so excited when I finally got up and running and saw my notice for Obi-Wan excl. and reg. in my email. When I saw this figure at SDCC I knew it would be my favorite. He was spectacular. I am now praying to the paint application gods that all will be well.