Again, great marketing by SSC... Have the collectors and fans drool for a week or so over the LSF (myself included), and they keep them waiting on a price release based on SDCC, fan reaction, email and phone question feedback. If anything they are making us wait eagerly for exact pricing which helps drive the interest and speculation amongst collectors and also gives the sticker-shock a chance to set in and many possible converts to the LSE line. Honestly, really SSC knows exactly what they have to charge for these figures, based on what they want to charge for these figures, based on what they think we will all pay for these figures. If this wasn't true why not just place the price next to them at SDCC, just like the Avatar statue. I have to admit releasing the LSF line which I'm down for, and having them prominently displayed as their new super premium figure, but not telling us the pricing is a bit annoying...
That being said, I think the line looks fantastic so far, but I also feel like the the horse pulling the cart, with the carrot on a string dangling just outside my reach.