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What were the differences from the Prisoner Siruius costume to what the actual figure was?





I wonder what they changed? I'm no good at spot-the-difference. be easier to see when they do a straight shot of him.

The darker purple is better. More in keeping with the fact it's just black IRL.

Revised Snape sculpt

I don't think the sculpt has changed. They just wrote 'Revised Snape' in the Facebook post. I think they've only changed the colour of the outfit (which looks much better now IMO).

My new nit with this is that from the proto pictures they don't seem to have included the three buttons at the bottom of each pant leg.
I don't think the sculpt has changed. They just wrote 'Revised Snape' in the Facebook post.

Well spotted!

"Revised Snape sculpt" had me confused. Although, and like I said, I'm not the best at spotting changes unless they're straight on to the camera.

Hmmm...that beard. They seriously need to slow down and take their time.

Agreed. Although SA seem proud of it - it's their new Facebook banner. With the purple fabric and glue on beard, this will be a pass for me - although I fricken' LOVE Dumbledore. So, badly disappointed in SA.
Another thing that indicates to me that the outfit has been tweaked is the absence of the nine buttons down his front. I hope that they will be placed there again now that they've got the colour right.
Another thing that indicates to me that the outfit has been tweaked is the absence of the nine buttons down his front. I hope that they will be placed there again now that they've got the colour right.

They probably only have those purple buttons :rotfl So, need to make black/other purple ones, but with the way they're going at the moment - who knows?!

They're obviously not gonna chill their beans and take their time. IMO they're throwing away a huge opportunity. They started so strong. . . such a waste. I'll honour my preorders, then, unless they sort the quality or drop the price to reflect, I'm O U T.

At least they're taking time to revise this outfit. I'm not expecting any sculpt changes though they'd be welcome IMO :)

Yeah, tweaking the outfit is a good idea. The sculpt is the essence though. That's what's frustrating about Harris Dumbledore - the sculpt looks spot on. That beard. . . drunken mall Santa's looks more convincing.
At the very very worst you could always have it rehaired by someone. I know, it's not a desirable place to have to be in, but if Star Ace changes the colour of the robe to the point where everything about the figure except the beard is fantastic, then it could be worth it.
At the very very worst you could always have it rehaired by someone. I know, it's not a desirable place to have to be in, but if Star Ace changes the colour of the robe to the point where everything about the figure except the beard is fantastic, then it could be worth it.

Not sure. I get what you're saying, but I said that about Prisoner Sirius and that's taken a lot of time and hassle to get it more screen accurate. If it was a $100 figure, then sure. But for the money they ask, they should be getting closer IMO.
Oh yeah, absolutely. It's not something that you want to do. But if you have to have a presentable Harris Dumbledore, then that option is always open. But they should be doing a better job with the hairing themselves. The prototype of Hagrid seems fine so far, so hopefully both figures will turn out ok.
I forgot about Hagrid. You're right - the proto looked great. Let's hope the in-hand ones look the same.

I really wanted a good Gambon Dumbledore, but if Harris is anything to go by. . . :(