OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread..FINALLY A PHOTO!

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Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

And i wont worry about what accesories cuz Hot Toys got that ____ down

This is one of the most exciting ascpects! Imagine what ____ HT are going to include with these figures. :drool

I need me a Revolver Ocelot. Not a liquid ocelot. I want the dual revolvers.

Same, but preferably Young Ocelot from MGS3 so I can pose him juggling them. :)
Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

Yes That would be awesome. His particular revolvers are cool looking what with all the elaborate engravings. But he has to come with a swarm of bees :lecture

If a young Ocelot is made... I hope he comes with hands so that you can do his gesture:


Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

Yes That would be awesome. His particular revolvers are cool looking what with all the elaborate engravings. But he has to come with a swarm of bees :lecture


If a young Ocelot is made... I hope he comes with hands so that you can do his gesture:



Oh HELLS yes!! I was counting on the same thing. :lol

Damnhope he gets made.
Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

So many great supporting characters,too bad we won't see even half of them.
Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

True that. :(

Although I will still hold out hope for him, seeing as it is likely HT will start with MGS3.

Knowing our luck we will get Major Raikov. :lol
Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

:lol:lol:lol Kojima had big regrets after MGS2 that's for sure,but he made up for it with MGS4 and Raiden's story,i hope we get a good story on Raiden in the next game,the Rescue of Sunny and how he became a Ninja Cyborg.

Besides Snake from each game i think we'll get Ocelot/Liquid Ocelot/Young Ocelot(one of them),Liquid Snake and The Boss,nothing more as i doubt HT will go that deep into MGS.
Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

Turns out Yoji Shinkawa did that Iron Man Ninja figure. Very cool.
Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

Hi everyone.. Got a lot of back-reading to do, LOL! :lol
I'm so excited for MGS finally getting the Hot Toys line.. It is long overdue!!!!

I really don't care who gets released first, I'll probably buy every figure from this line!!!!! :clap
Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

I havent followed a Hot Toys figure before and i already can't wait to see even prototypes.
does anyone know how long they usually take from announcing a figure to 1st reveal?
Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

I think we should have the specs by mid-January
Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

I havent followed a Hot Toys figure before and i already can't wait to see even prototypes.
does anyone know how long they usually take from announcing a figure to 1st reveal?

It really could be any amount of time. Depends on how long they have been working on them, (if at all), before licence announcement.

I would hope we have a teaser of full spec of the first figure by late Q1/early Q2. Failing that, a nice multi reveal of 5 or 6 on display at the TTC or SDCC. :D
Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

I would be very upset if they dropped more than 2 on us for the initial release. I'd have to cancel other pre-orders I have for sure.
Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

whens the next expo that would have figures on show anyway? im sure theyll interview the hot toys guys at these events. also im waiting to see a painted Vanquish Play Arts figure!
Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

This is one of the most exciting ascpects! Imagine what ____ HT are going to include with these figures. :drool

Based on MGS1, possible weapons could be...

Stinger Missle Launcher
Nikita Missile Launcher
Claymore mines
Frag Grenades
Stun Grenades
Chaff Grenades


And in MGS4 he has god knows how many different weapons to choose from :lol

But as long as he comes with his trademark pistol (Socom, USP, Mk .22, M1911A1 dependent on which version) and silencer then any other weapons included is just icing on the cake for me :D

The wait right now is relatively easy compared to how bat____ bouncing off the walls crazy I'm going to be when teasers and official specs are announced. Thats when the tough waits gonna be! :panic::panic::panic:
Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

i wish we can get confirmation of what this license covers ?
Re: OFFICIAL Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid thread

If they go with the latest/upcoming MGS in the franchise, then we could see the designs from Snake Eater 3D in figure form. HT is already using some of the games promotional artwork.

Can't wait to see how both the HT figures and the game turn out.
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