That is a very nice rework to capture another side of Jack Sparrow...
began to resculpt the smirk face
its just not jack sparrow
almost spot on there. In fact I would agree that JS (or should I say depp) does have that extra cheek and he smiles just like that in most parts of the pirates movies.
...However I disagree with the notion that the original HT sculpt is not Jack. Yes, Depp's cheeks are quite prominent when he smiles, but the HT sculpt isn't smiling Jack, it's smirking Jack.
HT's is pretty subtle and much like this.

It's meant to be mostly serious with just a hint of a smile to capture that, I've won, type expression, kind of like in Curse when he spots Will up in the rafters of the blacksmith shop, just before Jack gets bounced up there too.
Your rework reminds me of this sort of expression, which would also be nice to have from HT at some point on a future Jack.

There are many faces to Sparrow, I'm not saying yours isn't him, just saying, I don't agree that the original sculpt isn't.
The real bandana looks great, I'd take the sculpted one off completely and just use real cloth, almost wish HT would have, it worked fine with the Rambo figures.