Whatever it is, BEST sculpt I've seen in conjunction with its paintwork.
Or it just a damn good photograph.
Or it just a damn good photograph.
Was always gutted Aaron beat me to the punch on that sculpt by mere minutes! Couldn't miss the chance to now snag it, ESP with all the excellent work Gregg has done with it.
Mine arrived!!!!!
And dear Lord, it is amazing. A great looking headsculpt coupled with inCREDible tailoring. Thing is though, I took off his jacket and when I put it back on, his inner shirt's sleeves got caught inside the jacket's sleeves, and now the jacket's sleeves look a bit puffy..
Tried to futz it the best I can. Doesn't exactly work out, but it looks better than it did. Other than that and the fact that it takes a long time to futz everything on him, he looks blardy fantastic. I'm a big fan of the character and this thing more than does him justice.
Words can't express how awesome this figure is. If you are a fan of Jack Sparrow, even if only the first movie and you're sitting on the fence with this one, get the heck off it and grab yourself a Jack.
Finally put together a display for Jack, still adding little bits to it.
Finally put together a display for Jack, still adding little bits to it.
On his shirt sleeves are little hooks of cotton/thread - I wrap them round a finger on his hand so that when I put his coat on his shirt sleeves don't get stuck.
I just happened to spot it walking through a dollar store at Christmas time , I thought it was a calendar at first, but it was just a cardboard poster, but still a really nice image of Jack, and one I haven't seen anywhere else so I snagged it.
Congrats man!
I would really suggest getting the DX hands as well so you can have wrist articulation