Bad material science... incompatible materials.... inferior materials.
oh my gosh! I had a Sheva Alomar figure before, good thing I sold her off! Now I'm worried about my Abigail Whistler figure! With so many issues with Rubber, I can't image why hot toys would still continue to use that material
The Aliens loader. The Alien 3 dog alien has bad rubber and tears. Billy from Predator rubber body tears. Just about every True Types knee joint. 300 body tears. All the Rocky figures with the exception of the Blister Clubber exclusive. Captain America paint rubbing off. Predators dreads drying out and cracking. I guess it ain't rubber but the leaking batteries in all the Iron Mans. Rambo body. Iron Man underwear changing colors (somebody already mentioned this).
WOW i've never seen an Iron Man that bad before.
Rubber in general will decay and deteriorate.
This isn't isolated to just toys.
Are there any pictures of that?
Wow, never seen those ED209 pics. Why in the hell is that part rubber to begin with?
I don't really buy that. "Rubber" figures kept in a relatively dim, climate controlled room, especially when not tortured and bent to and fro, should NOT crack and deteriorate that quickly and that severely. Even car tires that go through heck every day do not go bad like that. There must be something else about the material that these HT figs are made from that just goes awry.