I know I'm already saving for any possible 1/4 scale statues, figures, (fingers crossed) life-size head bust this movie offers :chew!
I love Hulk dialogue. Better than Shakespeare.
Looking forward to this, but not my number one of the summer.
1 The Dark Knight
2 Iron Man
3/4 Indy/Hulk too close to call on this right now
5 Clone Wars
6 Narnia
Is there anything else "big" this summer?
I'm with you, but I don't have my hopes up, at least not for film based items. One thing that really dissappointed me with 2003 Hulk was that there weren't any film-accurrate pieces made of it; no mini busts, no statues, a couple figures came close, but nothing, and I wanted at least like a statue or something.
Hopefully they don't go that route again, it would be ideal if Sideshow picked up the license and did something similar to what they are doing with the Hellboy line, busts, figures, etc…at the very least I hope we get one good 1/6 scale representation of the HULK from either Hot Toys, Medicom or Sideshow.
I'm with you, but I don't have my hopes up, at least not for film based items. One thing that really dissappointed me with 2003 Hulk was that there weren't any film-accurrate pieces made of it; no mini busts, no statues, a couple figures came close, but nothing, and I wanted at least like a statue or something.
Attakus made a statue that was based on the movie version.
It could be that the last film was sort of at the start of really serious collectible production so it didn't hold appeal to anyone at the time. Nowadays almost every major property gets something high end made from it. .
I know I'm already saving for any possible 1/4 scale statues, figures, (fingers crossed) life-size head bust this movie offers :chew!
Hell Boy II
Thought I'd share this. When the last Hulk movie came out, i did a lot of human anatomy studies of muscles and such for sketches. I really felt the musculature didn't show enough in that Hulk, as much as I liked how he looked, I just feel that once you leave Lou Ferrigno Hulk size, you need to have the muscles ripping through the skin. So I made a drawing of my own vision of a Hulk's look and body mass and shape.
I am digging that the musculature is popping through more, I only wish he had a stubbier physique to further enhand how big his body seems. The body shape of the new hulk still has a bit of a normal man's shape to it, just blown up with the muscles ripping the skin. I want to see something more like this:
That's how the body mass and shape of Hulk like in these films should be.
Koto is doing a 1/6 movie Hulk and Abomination - they are holding seperate halves of a Humvee over their heads. Abbie will come with a change o head for Hulk. They will be polystone, not vinyl.