Super Freak
Re: Hulk Trailer to debut on Wed. March 12th
Opening day? Isn't this a straight to DVD release?
Opening day? Isn't this a straight to DVD release?
Here is the explaination for Abomination's design...I think it makes sense and I look forward to seeing the battle where Abomination puts these physical weapons to use!
"I really wanted to justify [Abomination's] appearance. I really wanted to wrap my head around the original scaley-with-big-ears monster that was in the comic book, but I couldn't justify it. The guy isn't crossed with a fish; he's not crossed with a lizard. Just like the Hulk he's an über-human — his body, everything, grows out. And the way he gets injected with the serum, he's shot in the skin and the muscles, and shot inside the spine. That makes his bones grow thicker and bigger and longer, making him a super-weapon. So he's got that spine that flares out, which becomes a weapon. He’s got elbows that stick out and become these martial arts, Chinese knives — things that can slash back and forth. He's got this tongue thing and the heel-spikes… so he's a killing machine. It's pretty cool, it's funny. He's got bones sticking out, so it becomes like an exo-skeleton which he uses as armour..."
Ang Lee's Hulk is underrated. I guess for those who just wanted Hulk to smash things, the profundity of the ideas and themes presented in the 2003 Hulk film were just too much and too little in certain points. It was too high brow in a genre with low brow expectations.
Ang Lee's Hulk isn't underrated, it just isn't very good. "High brow" entertainment is fine if you have engaging characters and a good story. The first Hulk movie had neither. Ang Lee obviously liked King Kong and Beauty and the Beast more than he liked Hulk itself and should have found a different character to showcase his take on repressed emotions and jellyfish.
I respect Universal for taking a chance with Lee, and Lee himself for taking those chances, I just wish the execution had manifested itself into a more engaging experience.
Hmmmmmm. Which Hulk do you like better.
Hmmmmmm. Which Hulk do you like better.
Not really much of a choice IMO.
I liked the A. Lee film but it left a lot to be desired and has not aged well. TIH looks to be more in the spirit of the Hulk comics. The CGI is a bit off but that can be fixed over the coming months. I do wish the abomination looked more like the comics. Oh well as long as they get the hulk right in looks (looks like they did) and personality. We need some HULK SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To each his own. I thought it was very engaging, and mutated poodles aside, a very good film.