Official Killzone 2 -- For Hellghan!!!!

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I saw this in the game case tonight after work at TRU but didn't pick it up, maybe I will swing by and get it tomorrow. I am undecided on if I really wanted to pick it up or not.
went to best buy today and the guy told me they got 60 copies of KILLZONE 2 but they cant sale them till thursday.
I was like " DUDE SALE ME ONE PLEASE !! "

I will be at best buy at 10am.
I cant ^^^^ing wait !!
I have this at the top of my Game Q on Gamefly and I sent Skate 2 back on Monday. Should have this by Saturday. :rock Should give me an excuse to stop playing World At War, I've become quite addicted to that game.
DUDE !! look at this

OMG !!

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this game online will kick so much ass!!
This video shows us why KILLZONE 2 will be one of the best games of this year.

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let the year of the PS3 BEGIN.
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Game of the year, PS3 has such a heavy hitter line up, everyone is excited for the PS3 this year.

Game of the Year? Really?

Also, not to sound like I'm hating on the PS3 (I own one myself), but what heavy hitter line up are you talking about this year? And you can't include FF13 or GoW3, those are definitely not coming out in 2009.

PS3 owners and Sony should be afraid that if the console doesn't sell more units, Microsoft is going to steal some of the exclusives spotlight.