Official Killzone 2 -- For Hellghan!!!!

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does anyone else have a countdown timer??? i'm really disappointed in my local GS because they said they aren't having a midnight release for it. i think this is BS because they have one every year for Madden's release and i usually never count more than 50 people there.
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Could this be bigger than Gears? The last game I bought because I thought the Brotherhood was going to be playing it online was UT 3 and we all know how that ended :D
I am not saying this game doesn't look great and the gameplay looks real good, But I will most likely get it for the campaign and not the online play.
Could this be bigger than Gears? The last game I bought because I thought the Brotherhood was going to be playing it online was UT 3 and we all know how that ended :D
I am not saying this game doesn't look great and the gameplay looks real good, But I will most likely get it for the campaign and not the online play.

doubt it as not all own a PS3 & of those who do, some refuse to buy games for it & use it only as a blu ray player
not sure but i'm pissed because i just found out my gamestop is NOT having a midnight release for it. i will have to wait until Frid morning to pick it up.
sent you guys friend invites, I'll be playing some resistance 2 tonight if anyone wants to join

ohhh.and I found out my monitor can play 1080P :D