Official Killzone 2 -- For Hellghan!!!!

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Re: Killzone 2 review

Who's your provider? I've never had trouble with mine and I'm connected wirelessly.

Frontier is the service I am with and its a problem with my Nat settings. I can play some games but nobody can hear me and sometime I lose connection after about 10 mins of play.
Re: Killzone 2 review

It should work the only game that flat out refused to let me play was Unreal but that was no big loss.
Re: Killzone 2 review

Just placed my order with Amazon at $51.99 free shipping...can't wait....

One of the main reason why I got a PS3 years's here.
Re: Killzone 2 review

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Re: Killzone 2 review

5 years in development and only 8-10 hours in single player though? I'll gamefly it and see how multiplayer is. I am looking forward to it though because I'm an FPS whore. graphics look incredible..wish it had more color but it is a war torn planet.
Re: Killzone 2 review

I'm somewhat excited. The graphics look nice, but some aspects of the game irk me. One, the melee system is a bit weak; two, many reviews remark on how the controls can be sluggish and awkward; three, Nothing I've seen so far in all the footage up to now has shown me that the enemy AI is anything but moving bullet sponges. Speaking frankly, they look like idiots.

I'm not a detractor (just look at my avatar), I just want keep realistic expectations.
Re: Killzone 2 review

So many little time
Re: Killzone 2 review

Just placed my order with Amazon at $51.99 free shipping...can't wait....

One of the main reason why I got a PS3 years's here.
I got the same deal from Amazon, I've been a fan of Killzone since playing the first game. will be there...saying a post patch is required.
NICE!!! :rock