Official Killzone 2 -- For Hellghan!!!!

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FragFX version 2 is available to order on Amazon now (schedule to release on March 31)

Ordered with 2 days free shipping :banana
Game update version 1.21 contains the following fixes:

Increase of the standard points settings for Bodycount. Should ensure longer mode on heavily populated games.

The return of Online Bots. Adding bots to an online game renders it 'unranked'.

The option to create unranked games. Players will be made aware that a game is unranked upon joining.

Fix to Game Search functionality so correct maps are displayed.

Standardization of the Y-Axis controls on the HGH Scout when zoomed with the Sniper Rifle.

Fix to Sensitivity setting where the weapon animation did not follow the reticule correctly.

Fix for auto-aim exploit when rapidly tapping zoom/fire.

Fix to infrequent collision issues with C4 Proximity mines.

Fix to list of games displayed on search.

Stability fix relating to disconnect.

Fix to 'Clan' button functionality in custom game creation settings.
I need to go back and play this again soon, I've been Resident Evil's ^^^^^ for a while now. :lol

I traded this shat in yesterday. I will buy it back when it goes on sale. It is a great game but I wanted something new and I just got bored with this.
Im glad they put bots back in. Now I can just screw around with my clan mates without having to deal with people.
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Just bought this game finally and had a blast with the campaign! Started at Veteran and it's pretty cool so far, the graphics are amazing! I have not yet played it online but I will soon, add me if you want. ;) Name is the same on PSN.

How do I get those big ass machine gun? It looks like those heavy guys carrying the big machine gun on his waist. Man...I don't see it. Which guy is it and how do I get that feature?

New trophies for the upcoming DLC.

Wasteland Medic Bronze Trophy
Revive 5 allies in Wasteland Bullet in a round.

Wasteland Engineer Bronze Trophy
Repair 5 objects in Wasteland Bullet in a round.

Wasteland Tactician Bronze Trophy
5 allies spawn on your spawn grenade in Wasteland Bullet in a round.

Wasteland Saboteur Bronze Trophy
Kill 5 enemies while disguised in Wasteland Bullet in a round.

Wasteland Scout Bronze Trophy
Kill 5 enemies while cloaked in Wasteland Bullet in a round.

Wasteland Assault Bronze Trophy
Boost 5 times in Wasteland Bullet in a round.

Cruiser Medic Bronze Trophy
Revive 5 allies in Vekta Cruiser in a round.

Cruiser Engineer Bronze Trophy
Repair 5 objects in Vekta Cruiserin a round.

Cruiser Tactician Bronze Trophy
5 allies spawn on your spawn grenade in Vekta Cruiser in a round.

Cruiser Saboteur Bronze Trophy
Kill 5 enemies while disguised in Vekta Cruiser in a round.

Cruiser Scout Bronze Trophy
Kill 5 enemies while cloaked in Vekta Cruiser in a round.

Cruiser Assault Bronze Trophy
Boost 5 times in Vekta Cruiser in a round
been playing this a lot lately.
well actually my brother in law's been coming over and playing mine more than I have with my account.