Official NECA Terminator Thread

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I was reading NECA's Twitter and they said they had some suprises T2 next year for the 20th anniversary, does anyone know what those will be?

Haven't heard anyone elaborate on that yet or any further mention of it, I'd love to know what we can expect if anything.

a 7 " Diorama Set-the melt from the end of the movie

Neca has done before numerous dioramas (eg. the Crow), but now there only figures-which is pretty boring.

Kinda annoying that NECA discontinue box sets and dioramas before they get to do any for T2, Predator, T1 etc.

And yet dioramas exist for less mainstream, less marketable films like The Crow.
Who says they're done with dios, they had diorama stuff on display with the Predators figures at SDCC, I think that stuff might be made available.


Maybe they just made it for the show, but seems like a bit of a waste to put that work in just for a 5 day show display.
I'm sure it is just for the show. Did you see the big Hoth diorama Hasbro did for the 3 3/4" Star Wars figures?? I doubt that things going to see retail.
Re: NECA: The Terminator Confirmed for 2011

It wouldn't be hard to cover the nasty bits..... I'd buy one. If the bottom of the base lit up orange...
I never know with NECA. They also had a semi-stealth Beserker on display with a few clear spots on him and the rest shadowy with a foresty 'playset.' I could figure out if that was supposed to see retail or not either. That thing does have a seperate base from the rest of that display so it is possible.
Re: NECA: The Terminator Confirmed for 2011

Watched Terminator again this morning. Extremely excited for these figures now, even though I'll probably only get the two main Arnold looks and the Endo.
Re: NECA: The Terminator Confirmed for 2011

They could do it.Just make his knob an on/off switch.
Haven't heard anyone elaborate on that yet or any further mention of it, I'd love to know what we can expect if anything.

Kinda annoying that NECA discontinue box sets and dioramas before they get to do any for T2, Predator, T1 etc.

And yet dioramas exist for less mainstream, less marketable films like The Crow.

Sorry, who is Kinda?

Sure, dioramas do not sell as easily as normal Figures.
One can not make it to every film.
But there are some great dioramas to Neca Exorcist, Haloween and the Crow.

I think Predator, Predator 2, Predators, the Terminator and T2 are perfect for that.
Just because figures are too boring.

There would be so many great opportunities for diorama.

E.g. a Sulacco base with the Power Loader and the injured Bishop.
For this purpose, separately the Queen to make a big Diorama.

In Predator, one could make a few parts of the jungle, with some accessories and Dutch.

It would sell wonderfully.

Apart from this, not just toys rus, but the internet.

I hope the situation will change and we get a Predators totem(with the skulls and bones) and Predator 2 trophy wall.

@ Flacco-mail me back. :)
Re: NECA: The Terminator Confirmed for 2011

Thank God!:lol

Why? That would be really cool.
With a lightened base.
And the pose would be awesome.

Neca course would not sculpt a "little Arnie". :lol

A 18 "T1 Arnold would also be cool.
With removable-transparent sunglasses.
Among the injured face with lightened eye.
According to a post by Johnny Utah in the Predator thread Neca will be putting out a 4th series of T2 figures for the 20th anniversary of the film. I hope this is true, because T2 isn't quite done yet in mine and other's opinions. I'd really like them to finish it out first before moving on to T1 since it seems unlikely they would return to it otherwise.

Thus, and I hope someone from Neca reads this, here is a list of figures and accessories I'd love to see. Ideally we'd get it all but more likely it'll be a case of a few of them crossed off and I know Sarah and John Connor are probably unlikely...but they're on the list anyway. In bold is the figure, followed by notes on the figure with key new accessories underlined.

rerelease Galleria T-1000
This one from S3 has proven a little harder to find in stores than would be desired, we suspect NECA underestimated the demand for T-1000. Its a great figure and the most simple yet essential version of T-1000 to be had. A rerelease would be appreciated for this reason and also because its upper portion will be wanted by fussy collectors like us to create the pretty much equally important Steel Mill T-1000 using the legs from-

Biker T-1000
Its a distinctive look for the T-1000 never attempted at this scale. He appears like this during lots of cool sequences albeit generally while sat in a truck or helicopter. Well, he'd involve all new parts but importantly his legs would have the striped pantleg seam and the high biker boots - his police utility belt would be gone - and these legs could be used with the Galleria T-1000's torso to create the non-battledamaged Steel Mill T-1000 (or indeed they could be used with the Pescadero Hospital figure's torso for simulating bullet hits). I know the torsos aren't strictly intended to be swapped like the forearms, the hands or the heads but it nevertheless can be done easily. Accessories-wise he'd have the submachine gun and a swappable sword arm.

Split Torso T-1000
This would be the last of the significant battledamage T-1000 thats never been tackled in figure form. Its from the scene where he is threatening Sarah Connor and T-800 sneaks up behind and carves him almost in half with the metal rod. The legs could be reused from Biker T-1000, the head and arms reused from Galleria T-1000. Liberties might have to be taken in order to maintain the stability and articulation of the figure. He would come with the same stabbing finger right hand as the Galleria T-1000 but also now include a longer left hand stabbing finger aswell. He would need the iron rod that he uses to beat up and impale the T-800. I've tried, really tried to find something around the house that could pass for a tiny metal pole in scale with these figures and I have failed. Its simple and wierd but I'd really love to see this little accessory. It played a big role in the steel mill scenes between T-800 and T-1000. Lastly a new Donut head would be nice. I thought I could live with the McFarlane one but its a little on the small side. If this figure were to not happen then I would hope that some or all of the accessories I mention here would come with the Biker T-1000 figure.

SWAT shootout T-800
This would essentially be the steel mill figure minus the knee damage. He'd have the grenade launcher, the bandolier with just 4 grenades in it down by his right side and back, a pistol and the SWAT teargas launcher.

Steel mill Sarah Connor
She'd need a more action leg stance than the McFarlane and most definitely the SWAT shotgun. And don't forget the battledamage she had sustained by this point in the film. Another nifty little accessory she could have would be the control box for the chains that lower T-800 into the molten steel.

Pescadero Escape Sarah Connor
So very very unlikely and yet one I personally would love to have. She'd just need a pistol and the police stick thingy. I know this one is vastly unlikely so I won't bother italicising or underlining anything.

John Connor
I have so little hope of seeing this guy made by anyone that I've never really studied him in the film to build a list of things he should come with or if there was any outfit variations etc.

Beyond these theres the box sets that'll never happen like T-800 on harley, T-1000 on police bike, Hasta la Vista scene, T-800 arm in the giant gears scene, T-800 punching through T-1000 head, T-800 arrival scene (yes naked Arnie).
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Saw an 18 inch battle damaged endo today. My aunt ordered it for me off amazon for my birthday (she's really my best relative when it comes to gifts, I always get what I want instead of some electronic gizmos I never use... blah blah blah), but it had factory defects. The right hand was put on backward - backward! - the glue was sloppy on the leg pistons, and the worst part was its right eye looked off to the left while the left eye looked straight forward. Needless to say it's been returned, in exchange for another one. Now why would neca let something that bad out of their factory....?
I don't think QC is their strongest point. Paint mess of some description on almost every figure, warping and breakage of joints. I've had one T-1000 break at the shoulder and another that looks like it will if I look at it wrong. I had no joint issues with the T-800s, it definitely went downhill a bit for series 3. Oh and one of my T-1000s had a squashed ear!
I don't think QC is their strongest point. Paint mess of some description on almost every figure, warping and breakage of joints. I've had one T-1000 break at the shoulder and another that looks like it will if I look at it wrong. I had no joint issues with the T-800s, it definitely went downhill a bit for series 3. Oh and one of my T-1000s had a squashed ear!

I've never seen anything that bad. I guess that's why the endoskeleton was so shocking to me :monkey2