Official NECA Terminator Thread

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Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

They've been doing that a lot lately...and yet, from what I've seen, the GOW figures continue to come out fine.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Hello, I'm new in this forums, sorry by my english, I'm from catalunya. I'm here to say the same thing about the new terminators paint job, are AWFUL. I was thinking that I was starting to get crazy because my friends sais "they are amazing!! you're wrong!!" and the other day I was going to buy the new tech-noir and the T-1000 with the "donut head"... and I said WTF!!. Of course I didn't bought them, the first and second series are amazingly better pained than those new ones. :/

Solution? I will not buy more neca figures with this bad paint jobs.
Neca is starting to became like Mcfarlane in the past, with a worst paint jobs and finally, tiny figures?? I hope not!!. :S so I'm starting to collect play arts kai from square-enix....

Anyone knows what the heck is happening?? thanks!!
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

They've been doing that a lot lately...and yet, from what I've seen, the GOW figures continue to come out fine.

If true, that p!$$es me off a tad. I know nothing about GOW though, are those human figures? Are the requirements of the paintapps comparable to the Terminator line?
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

I saw these things for the first time, too, yesterday. The paint is really pretty bad and the likeness on the T-1000's undamaged head is somehow significantly worse than the first two T-1000 figures.

Do you plan on using the extra head? The gold with this figure is the Donut Head itself!

As for those of you not getting these figs just because you don't like the quality of the paint jobs, I jerk my head up and say "Oh come on, REALLY?!" Do you really want to deny yourself figures from these classic scenes? I have been waiting for these for a long time, and I am ecstatic that they are finally out. The only things I see wrong with my set are the T-800's eyes/glasses, and a bit too much blood on his face. But I can fix the eyes/glasses, and who cares about the "bloody eye" T-800 head? I am displaying that figure with the Endo Eye Head from Police Shoot Out. As for the T-1000, other than the extra "Normal" head, the figure is PERFECT! I don't give a crap about the normal head, who in their right mind will display this figure without the Donut Head? That head is the reason to guy this figure! It goes great next to Pescadero T-1000, the two times he was shot in the head with a 12 Gauge.

So to quote Kermit The Frog from his recent Saturday Night Live Weekend Update skit... REALLY?
Do you plan on using the extra head? The gold with this figure is the Donut Head itself!

As for those of you not getting these figs just because you don't like the quality of the paint jobs, I jerk my head up and say "Oh come on, REALLY?!" Do you really want to deny yourself figures from these classic scenes? I have been waiting for these for a long time, and I am ecstatic that they are finally out. The only things I see wrong with my set are the T-800's eyes/glasses, and a bit too much blood on his face. But I can fix the eyes/glasses, and who cares about the "bloody eye" T-800 head? I am displaying that figure with the Endo Eye Head from Police Shoot Out. As for the T-1000, other than the extra "Normal" head, the figure is PERFECT! I don't give a crap about the normal head, who in their right mind will display this figure without the Donut Head? That head is the reason to guy this figure! It goes great next to Pescadero T-1000, the two times he was shot in the head with a 12 Gauge.

So to quote Kermit The Frog from his recent Saturday Night Live Weekend Update skit... REALLY?

I'm in total agreement. More people in this forum enjoy negatively criticizing NECA than appreciating the neat figures they are giving us.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

I don't enjoy criticising them at all. As always though, great sculpts are being detracted from with messy anime paintjobs where other figure lines seemingly have fine paintjobs.

Still, when I get them in hand I never tend to think they're quite as bad as they appear in pics.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Pretty much. I'm sure as hell not criticizing these things for fun, and I care just as much about how they look as what they're supposed to represent. When I see great sculpts being ruined by declining paint quality (compare the Terminator figures to the Terminator 2 figures), I feel the need to say something. Randy ____ doesn't seem to think there's any problem with what's happening with the Terminator and Predator figures, and seems to be operating with the mindset that as long as every movie character ever created is made into a figure no one should care about the paint. I do.
Pretty much. I'm sure as hell not criticizing these things for fun, and I care just as much about how they look as what they're supposed to represent. When I see great sculpts being ruined by declining paint quality (compare the Terminator figures to the Terminator 2 figures), I feel the need to say something. Randy ____ doesn't seem to think there's any problem with what's happening with the Terminator and Predator figures, and seems to be operating with the mindset that as long as every movie character ever created is made into a figure no one should care about the paint. I do.

What makes you think Randy doesn't care?
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

For one thing, he blocked me as a twitter follower for pointing out that bad paint jobs were ruining great sculpts. The other thing is that things continue to get worse for this line; after the obvious decline in paint quality between the last Terminator 2 wave and the first Terminator wave, something should have been done to fix the problem before the next wave was released, but instead they've declined further.`
Somebody who really cares might make a statement like, "we understand that paint quality has been an issue for the Predator and Terminator lines lately, and we're working hard to correct the problem and bring you the best possible figures you can find." Something like that.
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Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Do you plan on using the extra head? The gold with this figure is the Donut Head itself!

As for those of you not getting these figs just because you don't like the quality of the paint jobs, I jerk my head up and say "Oh come on, REALLY?!" Do you really want to deny yourself figures from these classic scenes? ?

Why would I want to spend my money on ____ products? Who gives a ____ if they're from a certain scene or not...:cuckoo:
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

I'm in total agreement. More people in this forum enjoy negatively criticizing NECA than appreciating the neat figures they are giving us.

Because they haven't made anything that looks good, sans the Freddy's. I've seen all these Terminators, Predators...and they all look awful. Like a 10 year old painted them. I don't understand it.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

I have more than 300 figures on my collection, from mcfarlane, neca, and other brands, but Neca lately is making bad paint jobs, I'm lucky because normally I cusomize the bad painted figures... but hey, I'm living in spain and every figure costs me 25$... and it "hurts" me more when the painting is awful than ever.

I'm not enjoying that
, because I love preds, terminators and other ones since I was a kid (now I have 27 years old), I just only want that Neca makes a good quality paint jobs again, If not... I will save my money for other figures.

My last custom was that (masked classic pred) and I'm starting to get tired of buy bad painted figures from Neca. Yesterday I saw the new Iron Maiden figure... oh, man... was so cr*appy thing, with an horrible painting on the face and teeth. It's a shame, seriously, Neca was cool in the past, now is like a manufacturer of "chinese poor figures".

And Randy is blocking users in twitter... that's "amazing".
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Do you plan on using the extra head? The gold with this figure is the Donut Head itself!

As for those of you not getting these figs just because you don't like the quality of the paint jobs, I jerk my head up and say "Oh come on, REALLY?!" Do you really want to deny yourself figures from these classic scenes? I have been waiting for these for a long time, and I am ecstatic that they are finally out. The only things I see wrong with my set are the T-800's eyes/glasses, and a bit too much blood on his face. But I can fix the eyes/glasses, and who cares about the "bloody eye" T-800 head? I am displaying that figure with the Endo Eye Head from Police Shoot Out. As for the T-1000, other than the extra "Normal" head, the figure is PERFECT! I don't give a crap about the normal head, who in their right mind will display this figure without the Donut Head? That head is the reason to guy this figure! It goes great next to Pescadero T-1000, the two times he was shot in the head with a 12 Gauge.

So to quote Kermit The Frog from his recent Saturday Night Live Weekend Update skit... REALLY?

im with you man, these people that aren't buying the figures because there not perfect are not real terminator fans. yes i wish they where perfectly painted, but dam im still going to buy the ____ out of these figures.

remember if these figures sell well we mite get a rhys figure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yess::clap:horror and t-800 truck bd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap:clap:yess::horror:horror:pray::pray::pray:
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

I think a real Terminator fan would know that its Reese, not 'Rhys' :wink1: Just messing with you.

I had to cancel my order for these but I'll be ordering again as soon as I can.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Neca have to improve the paint jobs and re-release series 1 and 2.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

And what does this have to do with my posting?
You confuse me.
I have not said anything to Kyle reese.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Yeah, I've never spoken to him, either. Anyway, read the post above a-dev's and then read mine again. What I did there, it's called screwing around.
Re: Official NECA The Terminator Thread

Why would I want to spend my money on ____ products? Who gives a ____ if they're from a certain scene or not...:cuckoo:

Hmm... maybe because these certain scenes are the reasons these figures are being made. Why else would NECA make so many variations of the same characters? Each figure is named after the scene to which it takes place: Pescadero T-800, Man or Machine, Final Battle, Tech Noir, Battle Damage Tech Noir, Motorcycle Cop, Police Station Assault T-800... all specific designs from specific scenes. All of us fans "give a ____." These certain scenes are made to satisfy us nerds who want these specific scenes to be represented on our shelves. They are not "____" products, but if you truly believe that they are, that just leaves more for us to collect. Thanks for your help. If you want to debate your perception of the quality of these figures, feel free. But if you really want to argue the reason they exist in the first place, please have a better understanding on what you're negating.