Official NECA Terminator Thread

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Did you guys see what they said? Randy has no plans for an Ultimate Battle Damaged Arnold from T2. That's like the last figure to do. That line is deaaaaad unless he's just BSing.

I figured the Ultimate line is probably dead after the Motorcycle Cop T-1000 and from this point on they'll probably just release them as standard figures with articulated legs like that "new" rose box T-800.
Well, NECA apparently has specific criteria for doing Ultimate figures, I asked about an Ultimate Dutch figure for Predator's anniversary and he said each figure before was an ultimate, too many unique looks to make an ultimate figure. Load of crap cuz the Ultimate T2 T-800 has parts that don't even go together.
Well I can understand how they wouldn't do an Ultimate Dutch. Each one has an entirely unique torso apart from the BD Dutch from the 2pack sharing the same torso as this one


(not my pic)

But the rest of them, there's no way to go ''Ultimate'' in the sense that they have been so far. They'd need to have one pair of legs in the set and have 3 interchangeable upper bodies. No way they can do that in the current format and price point.

However Dutch was a good seller for them so I can see them rereleasing the individual figures at some point.

As for T2 - I still have reasonable confidence that John is being made as we speak - we've seen that endo-arm in tube accessory - who else is that for? And Randy did answer a tweet saying it would make sense to include that with a John Connor. He might aswell have added ''nudge nudge wink wink''.

I'm not sure what to make of the answer about an Ultimate BD Uncle Bob - it seems unlikely they would have ''no plans'' not to do it and yet I do wonder how they'd manage to articulate the battle-damaged knee. If indeed they aren't going to do one might that be the reason why....
Just pointing out here, Ultimate T2 T-800


This was basically a mini-gun scene figure with two heads that don't even match the figure for movie accuracy.

If that was ok for T-800, why not do this Dutch.


Give him the alternate cigar head, and the weapons from the mud Dutch figure cuz you could take the vest off and custom paint, and then you have a pretty versatile figure.

My only point is, these are more ultimate for number of accessories than looks you can get out of what's in the box.
Muddy Dutch was more than just a paintjob though, it was an entirely new sculpt with layers of mud and leaves. I mean I guess if you could be happy with that figure just painted brown but I think Randy is assuming no one would be and that's why he has ruled such a thing out. Also, if you do custom paint it, it ceases to be versatile - it is now only good for the mud-covered scenes. You'd have to buy two.
I'm with Maulfan, NECA could easily make an "Ultimate" Dutch to go along with their "Ultimate" Jungle Hunter. Of course it wouldn't be accurate to anything and would be the same old figure, but none of their Ultimate releases care about that for what's included. It's just there to get the character out for people who missed out or didn't know about Dutch a few years ago (like we saw with the T-1000 and T-800).

Repack the vest Dutch above with,

- Two heads
- the knife
- the rifle
- the pistol
- gloved hands
- the torch
- the arrows
- the two staffs
- the spear

Boom, "Ultimate Dutch".

That very first Ultimate T-800 is such a lame figure when you really break it down. No flesh hands, rubbery, warped weapons, a battle damaged head that looks awkward on a completely clean figure. It was just a recycled figure. Atleast with Dutch he'd be loaded with weapons.

As for the "Ultimate" Battle Damage/Steel Mill. I don't see why it wouldn't be possible with a little reworking and ingenuity. Give him a swappable left arm (like the Genisys figure), two heads (semi and full damaged), both grenade launchers (new and broken), the pistol, then, if they have time to work in an actual new accessory (think the Tech Noir's scissors or the Police Shootouts snub nose pistol), include the metal rod or the gas grenade launcher.

I don't see how it would be impossible to give him articulated legs when it's a complete retool. Either do this,

BD knee.jpg

Or if you can't do that. Leave the knee completely static and give him the ball jointed foot, shin cut and thigh swivel while the hips and right leg are fully articulated.


I mean, besides that great Sarah Connor, this whole line is just a bunch of reused stuff with little thought process going into other than the packaging.
I dunno, lets say I was a guy who missed out on the previous Dutch figures for one reason or another and couldn't bring myself to pay ebay asking prices. Now lets say I was interested in owning more than one of those looks - I'd be a bit dismayed if, rather than simply rereleasing those figures as they were, NECA choose to make a single mish-mash figure which would seem to preclude the chances of me ever getting those other looks for a decent price.

The one you guys are envisioning would fall pretty far short of recreating the muddy look IMO. So really it'd just be the Jungle Encounter figure. I happen to love that one but say I preferred the Jungle Extraction or Jungle Patrol appearances. Well, it would seem I'd be ***t out of luck. This so-called Ultimate figure would suggest that NECA is saying ''this is your lot, this is the final word, now we're moving on''.
Probably the same answer to people that wanted more looks for the kitbashed Commando or T-800s they've done. Touch luck. Most people only seem to want one version of these figures anyway (see Jye). That's why this Ultimate line has been kinda lame and half assed from the beginning, atleast as far as the Terminators are concerned. I mean, isn't that what they've basically done with their T2 Uncle Bob? A Jungle Encounter Dutch with all that stuff would bug you, but not that weak Ultimate Cyberdyne that is essentially "this is your lot, this is the final word, now we're moving on''? They're the kings of recycling. If they're ever looking to get Dutch back out there, I don't see why that wouldn't be one of the ways they'd do it. Unless they went full on Rocky and just released identical versions of each Dutch, which is what you're suggesting. I wouldn't put either method past them. A bunch of collectors out there only want one, iconic Dutch out there. If they have the choice to make him be vestless, chomping on a cigar and holding his bow and torch, they don't give a **** about the leaves or the mud. It's an "Ultimate" to them and they probably have no desire to buy more than one. It would be a 10/10 figure with the options alone and at the end of the day, NECA would be profiting big time since it would be 100% reuse.

With the exception of Sarah Connor and the Tech Noir, I think this Ultimates thing has been lame for the Terminator line. That "new" rose box T-800 is the direction they should have gone in from the beginning. Just leg upgraded figures from the 2009-2011 line with one new accessory, if that. That's all these have been since the beginning anyway. You would think that all these saving and recycling techniques within the Terminator line (all those reuses back in 2009-2012, the video game figures, the Ultimates, etc.) would ensure more, actual NEW things than just Sarah Connor, but that doesn't seem to be the case other than the cinemachines and a couple pairs of legs.

I'm sure we will see John but this whole "I don't know, tough sell", is an annoying sentiment to have right out of the gate. As a kid I don't remember peg warming John Connor w/ bike figures. It was those damn "Future War" T-800 variations. I don't see why they can't make John a must have based on what they include and package him as. We're not even in the business and we've suggested cool things like 2-packs, but there's just this lame stubbornness that plagues this line from being more than it could be.

Even with the all the shoddy, broken, T-1000s, the highlight for this line, to me, has always been those T2 and T1 waves from 2009-2011. All of them had strong sculpts, likenesses, and they actually cared about the accuracy of each scene specific look (the damage, wounds, etc.). That's where they peaked and all the fun was had. Not trying to be greedy or a buzz kill, but everything after Kyle Reese has been kind of lame and this Toy Fairs and SDCC has cemented that feeling. And this whole "let's just add awkward, stumpy legs cause hey, they're articulated", blows.

They're venturing into some pretty sophisticated and well done double hinged elbows, knees, and waist joints now. These Terminator figures are already looking obsolete and old compared to what they can do now. It seems like the Terminator line is always the "old way" of doing things. The line debuted just as they started making these great ball hinged hips and articulated legs for their video game lines. Now, years later, when they get those legs, all the figures are on a new level.
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Well, I'm almost sure we'll see Dutch released again in some way. Personally I'd go the full rerelease option ala the Rocky figures. I'd even consider ordering another full set as a ''just in case''

If/when John Connor happens and we have him in our hands I don't think we'll care about any of these 'lies' and 'will they/won't they' games Randy plays. Current frustrations will go out the window and be replaced with a general positivity that the line delivered. Figure recycling and slow-coach improvements to extract more money from us won't matter because in the end we got to complete the full main cast of the film.

Of course on the other hand if John doesn't happen, and that endo-arm accessory is packed with just another T-800 figure, then I'll be disappointed - really guys? Kevin McCallister and Newt but no John Connor? You had to stop just short? You really couldn't find a way?

Before that first Ultimate T-800 I thought the line was finished. The fact that it has continued and then we got Sarah Connor gave hope that perhaps some day John would also happen. ''As long as the line is ongoing there is hope'' And many of Randy's answers on twitter have contributed to that hope post-Newt. There hasn't been any straight 'no'. So there'll be disappointment for sure if John never gets made, even in spite of all the good NECA have done for these licenses.
You're too forgiving son! Terminator has been getting hosed.

I want to assume the endo arm and display cylinder are for John, but it could be some accessory pack thing along the lines of the Aliens one. Just stuff for the T-800 to blow up. What does being coy here do? If Randy and NECA think John is a crap seller, then why try and have a surprise reveal if the interest is only there for people like you and me? Wouldn't it make sense to just spill whether or not he's happening so people that want such a figure get hyped up with anticipation? Dropping it a month before SDCC or something won't get your average Joe buying one. They might not even know about it.

I also don't see why John would have to be an exclusive or some limited thing if that's the route they take. Am I wrong in thinking John Connor is much more iconic and desirable than "Rebecca"? I'd even go as far as saying that he trumps Bishop and most of the Marines in popularity and name recognition. I mean, even Kenner had the idea in the early 90s to include him in their line, not once but two times. I don't see how he can be written off as a poor seller or gamble right away when there's no evidence or proof of sales. If he is such a risk and a dud, then why not do the old fashioned thing and short pack his ass to one or two per case or whatever like companies used to do. Retail exclusives or two packs would also suffice.

I could see if this was a 1/6 figure or some high end statue or something, but it's a mass produced, 5"-6" action figure. They save so much with their reuse and retools. That first cult classics Endoskeleton got a tons of reuse, from "shocked" Endo, to "angry" Endo, to "plasma minigun" Endo, to that great T1 Endo, to all those video game and exclusive colors. That original 2009 Arnold sculpt got transferred to a dozen or so releases that are still being used to this day. T-1000 got as milked as you possibly can. The Tech Noir was the same sculpt save for the head, arms and flexible jacket for years now, and we've even seen the T1 and T2 Arnolds combined for the Robocop/Terminator figures. They splurged on a mass release Sarah Connor, is John Connor really that much of a gamble where it would be such a loss and mistake to them that they would have been better off not doing it at all? I doubt that.

It's clear that Terminator won't be thriving much longer with things like Aliens and Predator on the table. I mean, they'll sooner develop an all new Kenner Alien or Predator than a new Terminator character from scratch. Nobody is asking for Miles Dyson or Dr. Silberman here, but I don't see why there can't be a little more enthusiasm for John Connor or a slightly better Kyle Reese, especially when they immediately shoot down things like Resistance soldiers or a nice T3 Arnie.

Who knows, maybe those 3 Genisys figures were bad business for them or something. It just seems like other than recycle/reuse/repaints, the Terminator line is dead or dying. It's sad because that's the case for Hot Toys too, which have seemingly gone out with a whimper (fantastic DX 13, poor and mediocre Police Shootout). There just doesn't seem to be any enthusiasm with the two films, I don't get it.
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You have a point that they seem to be more conservative with Terminator compared to Alien and Predator. Alien Crapurrection is getting figures but Terminator 3 Rise of the Crap won't be.

They're putting huge amounts of new tooling into Kenner Aliens and Predators but seemingly Kenner Terminator 2 is a no-go zone.

You've also raised the possibility that the endo-arm in tube thing is from an accessory pack rather than John Connor.

If he is being made I have no idea why the need for evasion and downplaying in the answers on twitter but they do it even with Alien and Predator. Randy refuses to say if Drake is being considered even though he is at this point the most glaringly obvious requirement for the Aliens line.

The point I was making though is if/when a John Connor figure is in our hands none of it will matter really. We'll have him and the satisfaction of the cast being complete will nullify all prior frustrations. At that point Kenner tributes and T3 figures would be mere bonuses to me, not strictly essential. I'll be displeased if John isn't made, especially after they made Newt, but I could live without T3 and Kenner.
As I mentioned a while back, none of you are getting JC and will instead get Danny Cooksey mego figure with an inflatable JC and rubber bike. :lol


Embrace this decision or face firing squad. :lecture
Probably the same answer to people that wanted more looks for the kitbashed Commando or T-800s they've done. Touch luck. Most people only seem to want one version of these figures anyway (see Jye). That's why this Ultimate line has been kinda lame and half assed from the beginning, atleast as far as the Terminators are concerned. I mean, isn't that what they've basically done with their T2 Uncle Bob? A Jungle Encounter Dutch with all that stuff would bug you, but not that weak Ultimate Cyberdyne that is essentially "this is your lot, this is the final word, now we're moving on''? They're the kings of recycling. If they're ever looking to get Dutch back out there, I don't see why that wouldn't be one of the ways they'd do it. Unless they went full on Rocky and just released identical versions of each Dutch, which is what you're suggesting. I wouldn't put either method past them. A bunch of collectors out there only want one, iconic Dutch out there. If they have the choice to make him be vestless, chomping on a cigar and holding his bow and torch, they don't give a **** about the leaves or the mud. It's an "Ultimate" to them and they probably have no desire to buy more than one. It would be a 10/10 figure with the options alone and at the end of the day, NECA would be profiting big time since it would be 100% reuse.

With the exception of Sarah Connor and the Tech Noir, I think this Ultimates thing has been lame for the Terminator line. That "new" rose box T-800 is the direction they should have gone in from the beginning. Just leg upgraded figures from the 2009-2011 line with one new accessory, if that. That's all these have been since the beginning anyway. You would think that all these saving and recycling techniques within the Terminator line (all those reuses back in 2009-2012, the video game figures, the Ultimates, etc.) would ensure more, actual NEW things than just Sarah Connor, but that doesn't seem to be the case other than the cinemachines and a couple pairs of legs.

I'm sure we will see John but this whole "I don't know, tough sell", is an annoying sentiment to have right out of the gate. As a kid I don't remember peg warming John Connor w/ bike figures. It was those damn "Future War" T-800 variations. I don't see why they can't make John a must have based on what they include and package him as. We're not even in the business and we've suggested cool things like 2-packs, but there's just this lame stubbornness that plagues this line from being more than it could be.

Even with the all the shoddy, broken, T-1000s, the highlight for this line, to me, has always been those T2 and T1 waves from 2009-2011. All of them had strong sculpts, likenesses, and they actually cared about the accuracy of each scene specific look (the damage, wounds, etc.). That's where they peaked and all the fun was had. Not trying to be greedy or a buzz kill, but everything after Kyle Reese has been kind of lame and this Toy Fairs and SDCC has cemented that feeling. And this whole "let's just add awkward, stumpy legs cause hey, they're articulated", blows.

They're venturing into some pretty sophisticated and well done double hinged elbows, knees, and waist joints now. These Terminator figures are already looking obsolete and old compared to what they can do now. It seems like the Terminator line is always the "old way" of doing things. The line debuted just as they started making these great ball hinged hips and articulated legs for their video game lines. Now, years later, when they get those legs, all the figures are on a new level.

Yup, that be me.

I'm not into setting up complicated dioramas with 7" figures to mimic movie scenes, takes up too much room, too costly and 9 times out of 10 they look cluttered, dusty or too stiff and toy like. :lol

I love T2 but I don't need every scene recreated in toy form in my house.

I love having 1 of each scale represented in my collection but 1/4 will always take priority over 7".

So yeah, I still need a 1/4 T2, 1/4 Robocop, 1/4 War Paint Conan, 1/4 Rocky, 1/4 Mclane, 1/4 Dillon, 1/4 Clubber, 1/4 Apollo **** Newt and JC, they mean squat to me. :lol

Arnold > Drug addict kid.
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