Official NECA Terminator Thread

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How old was pops by present day, in his 60s, 70s? In all that time he never learned how to smile convincingly and still sounded like a robot.

Without Cameron's direction, Arnold as the Terminator is ridiculous. It's made even more apparent when he's an old ****. Give someone else a chance to be an infiltrator/Terminator unit.

But it's fuuunny!

Reading through some new interview info and Cameron is saying that the first new film will be a direct sequel to T2. So all of the Terminator films that came after it are being dropped down the memory hole.

Concerning some possible plot points Cameron talks about how the flesh component for the T-800 would probably have had a human genetic donor so perhaps Arnolds role will be that of a future war resistance fighter who is captured and used as a template for the T-800's coverings.

Based on that, Linda's role could possibly be future war Sarah who befriends Arnolds character and tries to save him after is captured by the machines.

Cameron also talks about Arnold and Linda passing the mantle to younger actors to carry on the franchise. So, before he is captured, Arnolds character and Sarah mentor the young resistance fighters. And, after Arnold and Sarah are both killed during the rescue mission, the young resistance fighters carry on the war with the machines in films two and three.

Just speculation on my part but this plot line would mean no time travel and no old Arnold as a T-800.
Reading through some new interview info and Cameron is saying that the first new film will be a direct sequel to T2. So all of the Terminator films that came after it are being dropped down the memory hole.

Concerning some possible plot points Cameron talks about how the flesh component for the T-800 would probably have had a human genetic donor so perhaps Arnolds role will be that of a future war resistance fighter who is captured and used as a template for the T-800's coverings.

Based on that, Linda's role could possibly be future war Sarah who befriends Arnolds character and tries to save him after is captured by the machines.

Cameron also talks about Arnold and Linda passing the mantle to younger actors to carry on the franchise. So, before he is captured, Arnolds character and Sarah mentor the young resistance fighters. And, after Arnold and Sarah are both killed during the rescue mission, the young resistance fighters carry on the war with the machines in films two and three.

Just speculation on my part but this plot line would mean no time travel and no old Arnold as a T-800.

they cheapened the vision of a T-800 so much already that Schwarzenegger should sue them for humiliating his career establishing role instead of playing clowns again and again. greed is bad mkay.
(i doubt "establishing" is a correct word here, but couldn't come up with a proper synonym due to my poor vocabulary.)
Even T2 fans despise the fact that that became the default idea of the Terminator. I think there's room to both like it in T2 and then say ''OK, but that's enough''. By doing it again in T3 and Genisys they were just cashing on the gimmick and writing more superfluous stories around it instead of doing something that might have actually had value and merit - a proper future war movie, Kyle Reese's story in full movie form - and a single movie for godsakes. Why does it always have to be a ****ing trilogy now.

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If Arnold plays a human in the new movie then he needs to be a straight badass like Charlton Heston in True Lies. No self-effacing jokes AT ALL.

And no more "come with me if you want to live" or any variation of "I'll be back." And I also don't see why there needs to be another while trilogy. Just call it some variation of "Terminator 3" and then forever release blu-ray box sets of "James Cameron's T1/T2/T3" *as* a trilogy.
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This has the potential to be first ok sequel since T2 for me.

I hated that Sarah Connor died off screen in T3 and the casting choice for John Connor was a joke. If JC believed that they had prevented judgement day then why be in hiding e.g. I'd expect him to end up with the T2 'happy ending''. If, however, he thought it would still happen then why was he some weedy loser - if I was told that I was going to be the leader of the resistance, that judgement day was coming and I lived through the events of T2 then holy cow I would spend the rest of my days training for this future war. It was totally derivative of T2 but failed to grasp any of the magic of it. Too many T850 comedy moments and a PG13 rating really weakened it. I did like that the T-850 killed future JC and it was an interesting idea that judgement day was always inevitable but that clashes with the established 'no fate but what you make' idea from the other films... in conclusion I give James Cameron permission to terminate it / tape over it / use time travel to erase it what ever haha

I liked Salvation more because it at least tried to show the future war but overall the movie was a disappointment and there is no way that weedy loser JC from T3 became hardened shouty Bale JC in Salvation. I did like the casting choice for young Kyle Reese though. But again James Cameron has permission to jettison it from continuity

Finally what's a genisys ... nope don't no what you are talking about - I refuse to believe that a film that awful exists.

I wish this was just planned to be a one and done end to James Cameron's trilogy. Some of the ideas you are suggesting sound really cool and I would love to see them explored. Unfortunatley this sounds like it is planned to be the Terminator franchises version of 'The Force Awakens' or 'The Skynet Awakens'. A superior film than the prequels ... I mean T3, Salvation and Genisys but still trying too hard to emulate The Terminator and T2 and not really adding to the series but simply re-treading old ideas... I think they are already looking to cast Rey or the equivalent. I hope I'm wrong... I really do
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Everything a-dev and P. said, and this:

If Arnold plays a human in the new movie then he needs to be a straight badass like Charlton Heston in True Lies. No self-effacing jokes AT ALL.

And no more "come with me if you want to live" or any variation of "I'll be back." And I also don't see why there needs to be another while trilogy. Just call it some variation of "Terminator 3" and then forever release blu-ray box sets of "James Cameron's T1/T2/T3" *as* a trilogy.

Except they better not call it T3RMINATOR. I'm sick of movie titles trying to be clever with numbering.
Let’s face it, studios want sequels so as much as a stand alone may be best, I’d rather see a continued story planned than scrambling for ideas later, Matrix trilogy.
Tarkin was also a full CGI recreation of a dead man. Arnold is obviously still alive so technically it's a little easier to de-age him.

Arnold was a full CGI model too, made similar to Tarkin off an old life cast and then further worked on based off reference.
Even T2 fans despise the fact that that became the default idea of the Terminator. I think there's room to both like it in T2 and then say ''OK, but that's enough''. By doing it again in T3 and Genisys they were just cashing on the gimmick and writing more superfluous stories around it instead of doing something that might have actually had value and merit - a proper future war movie, Kyle Reese's story in full movie form - and a single movie for godsakes. Why does it always have to be a ****ing trilogy now.

If Arnold plays a human in the new movie then he needs to be a straight badass like Charlton Heston in True Lies. No self-effacing jokes AT ALL.

And no more "come with me if you want to live" or any variation of "I'll be back." And I also don't see why there needs to be another while trilogy. Just call it some variation of "Terminator 3" and then forever release blu-ray box sets of "James Cameron's T1/T2/T3" *as* a trilogy.

:exactly: :lecture

The way to make Terminator great again seems very obvious yet the creators go the opposite direction, so frustrating
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The way to make Terminator great again
is to stop raping it once and for all.
all those "future war" materials are impossible to make today because the theme is not interesting anymore, and everybody saw every effect they could come up with. so zero possibility of both an interesting story and interesting visuals.
plus there are so many jajujists in terminator community that it's impossible to please the crowd and make something good at the same time.
the grass was green alright, it died, new grass raised, stop kicking the dried corpse.
is to stop raping it once and for all.
all those "future war" materials are impossible to make today because the theme is not interesting anymore, and everybody saw every effect they could come up with. so zero possibility of both an interesting story and interesting visuals.
plus there are so many jajujists in terminator community that it's impossible to please the crowd and make something good at the same time.
the grass was green alright, it died, new grass raised, stop kicking the dried corpse.

Well........yeah lol

I agree with you 100% P but that’s your brain talking.

Grrr, it's looking like my 1:4 scale figure is going to push into next week. He's here in Ireland but I don't think they'll have completed all the ****ing around with it that they apparently did with Michelangelo before saturday hits. We don't have Saturday deliveries here.

No one needs to know this. I suppose I'm just writing it to try to mentally prepare myself for disappointment tomorrow.

at least in T2 he wasn't a clown.
perfectly put.

this sounds like it is planned to be the Terminator franchises version of 'The Force Awakens' or 'The Skynet Awakens'. A superior film than the prequels ... I mean T3, Salvation and Genisys but still trying too hard to emulate The Terminator and T2 and not really adding to the series but simply re-treading old ideas... I think they are already looking to cast Rey or the equivalent.

I'm glad you said it as The Force Awakens appears to be exactly what Cameron is trying to emulate despite him openly criticizing that approach a little over a year ago.

Bringing the old gang back together after three crappy movies. Check.
Pass the torch to a young girl. Check.
Make it a trilogy. Check.
Give it to a fan favorite director who previously found success kickstarting a competing genre. Check.
Sound like an idiot criticizing Wonder Woman's good looks. Che--okay that one is just Cameron, lol.