I've passed on that and the flying HK. Just wasn't excited enough about them and then when the inaccuracies were exposed in this thread I took that as my excuse not to spend the money. Oddly I'm more interested in the Alien/Aliens Cinemachines yet to come.
As is often the case what looks great in my camera's viewfinder ends up not so great in the actual shot but here's my 1:4 T-800
^^ the wrist joints unfortunately are far too weak for him to hold up the Enterbay shotgun (which is real wood and metal) - the plasma rifle from the Hot Toys Endoskeleton is just plastic and he has an easier time with that.
^^Enterbay Minigun, M79 and ammo bag. These are all bigger than their NECA equivalents. The M79 falls off his shoulder annoyingly often though
^^in an effort to be realistic about what we're getting - here's a closer look at his face without the glasses
^^I love the neck on these NECA sculpts. Something that Hot Toys and Enterbay paid no particular heed to, Hot Toys being the worst offender with the DX10 and MMS238.
-First shot is Enterbay sunglasses (needed small blob of tac to keep them on above his ear)
-There's a weird bubble in his hair in these shots, which I couldn't unsee once I noticed it. I sliced it out afterwards.
-You can see how a high-end paint job would blend the hairline and eyebrows - it's totally stark here, brown hair/skin. Otherwise not too bad with the sunglasses hiding the eyes.
^^he can pull off a pretty good mantis pose! I was pleasantly surprised by this. And that left hand sculpt better facilitates him to properly hold the forward handle at the appropriate angle without either having no grip or holding it too loosely like the Hot Toys. It's possible NECA may have observed the proper pose from the movie whereas Hot Toys assumed - like most of us once did - that he holds the gun down by his waist and sculpted the hands according to that.
^^lastly here is my Galleria test-run before I ultimately set him up as he is intended. This is him wearing the Enterbay black T-shirt under his jacket. There is space at his waist to actually tuck it into the trousers - however it would really need to be sleeveless as the bunched sleeves cause the jacket not to fit as it should - bulks him out too much, prevents the collar from sitting snug to the neck etc. So I'll have to go the painting route for the black T-shirt....some sort of spray-paint job that I imagine even I could do? (dismantling the figure to do it of course) - I've already bought another figure to do this with. This one will stay as he now is.
As for the hands - I'm going to sacrifice the hand joints from the Enterbay figures - one that came spare with the BD T-800 (you know that useless bare arm they provided for people to use instead of the BD endo-arm and yet they didn't provide a jacket with a full sleeve to cover it) and the other joint coming from the clean Enterbay T-800 since that one will forevermore be a Dyson's house Endo-arm reveal figure. Some drilling will be needed to get the Enterbay joints to fit the NECA figure but once they do I could use any of the hands from the Enterbay figures including that cool reload hand* or whatever it is - no one else other than Enterbay thought to provide such a hand sculpt. These joints should have the strength for him to use the Shotgun. Anyway despite the overall size differences between the NECA and Enterbay figures (NECA being slightly smaller), the hands are the same size so that should work out nicely.
Fair ****s to ya if you read all that.