...and endoskeleton:
this is where NECA fall down. I dunno, maybe I'm just getting bored of all the endoskeleton figures - theres been so many now that the novelty is gone - whereas it was great to get T-800 Arnie figures with the likeness intact at last - but the endos are just old news.
I like the paint, its as shiny as it could probably be without being actual chrome. I also like the sculpt from the neck down. Its got some features that McFarlane's MMV didn't have - like movable shoulder blades - and overall its more accurate in proportions and detail. McFarlane's one had that really long waist section and the chest piece was shaped wrong, not to mention the complete and utter lack of a neck. Actually on that last point, NECA's really doesn't have much of a neck either. Certainly if I were to envision a flesh covering on this figure his head would be squashed into his torso. I just don't remember the endos in the films being like this, yet this is at least 2 companies who've portrayed them this way. Wierd.
Articulation is another funny area. What it beats McFarlane at it loses at others. The legs can be splayed and can move slighly backwards but they can't step forward at all. The big thick pistons in the thighs prevent it. McFarlanes meanwhile could move forwards and slightly backwards but not side to side. NECA's figure also lacks the turning motions of the lower arms and legs - these are fixed with only the hands and feet capable of movement. Conversely the hands and feet of the McFarlane endo were fixed with no movement. But I presume all this was already known to anyone with the Cult Classics Endoskeleton. I never found that one and so missed out on that nice base which is sadly absent in this package. So the articulation is disappointing, the one iconic T2 pose from the skull crushing endo in the film can't really be replicated to a satisfying degree on either this or the McFarlane one. I don't really care though because I have the Hot Toys ones for that!
Where this NECA endo really boggles the mind though is that headsculpt. It seems to me they were going for the ''evil'' stare of the endoskull in the T2 opening credits but it fails miserably. The major reason for this is that furrowed brow - he looks like hes frowning. The eye sockets are sculpted as though they function like muscle, capable of movement when of course it should be completely solid, no moving parts there at all. It should have a more ''neutral'' straight-across eyesocket rim with the perceived ''evil'' look entirely dependant on the upturned eyes. As we have it it looks ridiculous and not like any T-800 endo face we ever saw in the films.
I'd give it a 6/10 at most. I consider it background diorama stuff, custom fodder, and/or a good neutral-posed 'assembly line' endoskeleton.