I see all the upgrades you guys want and am now waffling whether or not to order the existing T2 Ultimate in stock at BBTS to go with this Sarah and John set. Maybe I'll just wait until SDCC time to see if they're planning anything good or just the continuing reissues.
I would still get the T2 ultimate if you don’t have any of them. It’s a solid figure. Him and the Sarah/John two pack on a shelf would be great. It shouldn’t have taken this long to get that trio though, honestly.
Then when I see figures of randoms like April O’ Neil, Biff Tanen, Brett, Parker, Hawkins, etc. getting figures, I think, “well, why
can’t we get an Ultimate Kyle Reese and 80s Sarah Connor”? You can definitely make Sarah toyetic enough and I can think of atleast 4 rehash variations of a Kyle Reese and Sarah mold to get their money’s worth.
I don’t know, I’m happy with what I have, but when I see those all new Genisys and Dark Fate Arnolds and Sarah Connor, I can’t help but think how awesome an all new T1 and T2 Arnold would be. I appreciate the new articulated legs, but they’re still sculpted in such a way that makes it almost impossible to get any poses from the movie other than 1 or 2 specific scenes. Like when the original T2 base Arnold was sculpted, they definitely had the Galleria hallway and Cyberdyne minigun scenes in mind where his back is sort of hunched, he’s turning to the left and he’s holding the shot gun/minigun with both hands. The sculpted folds in the clothing reflect that. Even with the articulation, it’s still statuesque.
I’d love an all new, neutrally sculpted T1 and T2 Arnold that could convincingly punch out windows or the T-1000 AND hold a shotgun over his shoulder without looking awkward.