I don't generally collect 1/4 scale, and had no intention of getting these whatsoever until I saw that announcement ad. I don't know why that ad took me from having no interest to suddenly being hugely excited - not like there was any new pics, seems like the same pic of the 2up we've seen before - but there you have it. I think it speaks to my complete lack of discipline and the ease with which I can be influenced by the excitement of others.
2 for me. Masked is the most essential and I chose closed mouth as my other one as I think it looks dead-on to the very first reveal of Predator's face when he removes his mask and yet could also work for the moment when Dutch gives him a backhanded punch and Predator twitches his upper mandible.
I'm excited to see what the masked one will look like - I can't believe we still haven't seen any pics of this P1 figure, at any scale, with a masked head.