Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread


Is that Hentai?
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

The eye candy was decent otherwise, IMO I agree the movie was a disappointment.

Even prolonged scenes with Noomi running around in an elastic bandage couldn't save the film (for me). :)
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Whole-heartedly agree with this. I thought it was trash. If you liked it, I'm not saying you're trash by association. I didn't attack anyone's values because I had a different opinion of a movie. "You have to be stupid or nuts or unhappy to not like this movie" IS, however, absurdly childish, and truly offensive when compared with "I hated this MOVIE".
I personally can't believe it was as bad as it was. I cannot believe it. I wanted to vent to others who put as much worth in this franchise as I do and were broken-hearted at how it turned out. I'm absolutely incredulous at the outcome of this Ridley Scott film. If you are negatively emotionally impacted by someone else's opinion of a movie to the point you have to attack them personally... well... engineer jesus help you.


I don't think it was as horrible as you did, I think I'm mainly just really disappointed. I felt much the same way after Scott's "Hannibal," another film that so throughly murdered the source material that they were barely recognizable as being related. I loved the book so much... and then to just see it BUTCHERED like that.

Luckily we don't have a book version of Prometheus, so I cant quite reach that level of disappointment.

I am actually curious to know more about the Engineers. But NOT if its going to be tease, derail, obfuscate, teaseteasetease, detour, don't explain, no resolution to anything ever-ness. And I have a strong feeling this is where this series is heading.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

It was a swiss cheese of plot holes and poor character development.

Story should always come before visual "icing."

WTF Ridley... I was so stoked for this film.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I'm watching it a second time around just to give myself a second chance in case I missed something before. Seeing it also in IMAX 3D this time.

But I was quite disappointed with several things about it. My gf watched "Alien" for the first time about a month ago and loved it. After "Prometheus" she asked me if it was made by different people. That says a lot. I saw glimpses of Scott in this, but it was like he was teasing us. Not really revealing everything. Which is fine if he intends to wow us in the next movie. But the problem is that it made this movie sort of a mess.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

:nana:I'm a huge alien, aliens, and alien 3 fan. I went to go see the movie with my wife who is equally as big of a fan as I' am. I have to say the story was great, but all of the alien creature designs were absolute garbage. I don't understand why the chest buster, face hugger, and alien creature look like crap. Also the piss poor ending made me and my wife go why did it go from breing great to just ok? The giant albino squid design was such a let down my wife and I looked at eachother and laughed. As for the smurf that shows up at the end we could not help but scratch our heads and wonder where did the beautiful giger alien go? And w:gah:hy did they dump the art and go for absolute garbage for design?

I agree for sure about the giant squid and the "smurf" at the end. I actually think it looks exactly like these creatures from an old game called "MDK" back in the day. As for the squid - my gf asked me afterwards why it needed to grow that big? I had no answer.

I liked the design of the Engineers though - if those can be considered creatures.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Why do people laugh at giant tentacle monsters? Giant tentacle monsters are the ____ing best.

I love tentacle monsters it's just we went to go see an alien prequal not a remake of 20,000 leagues under the sea lol.....
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I absolutely loved this film and usually am very critical even if I overall enjoy a film (e.g. Avengers).

Honestly my biggest complaint: lack of Asians. It's the future and there is one token Asian in a minor role. Not even remotely realistic for the future of scientific advances. Yet we get the cliché English-speaking rainbow from refined RP to working class Scottish to Southern American. Sigh.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

By way did anyone else think that Holloway's initial reaction was sort of weird on finding the dead Engineers?

Is anybody that entitled, arrogant, and childish as to be DISAPPOINTED they didn't speak to God??

Did he honestly think he was going to sit down and have a fireside chat with the CREATORS OF THE F'ING HUMAN RACE about the meaning behind life, the universe, and everything?

This is another example where a character's reaction just rang false to me on initial viewing. It was like "uhhhh?"

I did basic science research for a few years in college. Any other scientists here? This is NOT the sorta reaction I would expect from a scientist. Shaw's reaction is more apropos in my mind there. You keep an open mind, you continue do do the research and you go where the data takes you. You don't throw a tantrum and get drunk cause you didn't get everything you were expecting . . .

I also found Holloway's reaction ringing false. Not only did the reaction not ring truthful, but that he would sit in the back and drink while Shaw is examining the engineer head is even more fake. It was as if the only reason he was drinking was so Scott could set up the next scene where David offers him a refill and....

There were several instances where character did things that didn't ring true.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I absolutely loved this film and usually am very critical even if I overall enjoy a film (e.g. Avengers).

Honestly my biggest complaint: lack of Asians. It's the future and there is one token Asian in a minor role. Not even remotely realistic for the future of scientific advances. Yet we get the cliché English-speaking rainbow from refined RP to working class Scottish to Southern American. Sigh.

Never thought of it from your point of view but your right all the cliche characters...
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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

He was disappointed. How hard is it to understand that? There wasn't one moment where a character had an odd or out of the ordinary reaction. Maybe Fifield yelling at Shaw about the dead bodies, but he was shocked, scared, etc...which anyone would be. :dunno
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I absolutely loved this film and usually am very critical even if I overall enjoy a film (e.g. Avengers).

Honestly my biggest complaint: lack of Asians. It's the future and there is one token Asian in a minor role. Not even remotely realistic for the future of scientific advances. Yet we get the cliché English-speaking rainbow from refined RP to working class Scottish to Southern American. Sigh.

I agree with you here. In honesty - if the world in the movie was reality; Weylan would be Asian.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

He was disappointed. How hard is it to understand that? There wasn't one moment where a character had an odd or out of the ordinary reaction. Maybe Fifield yelling at Shaw about the dead bodies, but he was shocked, scared, etc...which anyone would be. :dunno

There was one shot where Shaw gets a reaction from the engineer head and everyone in the room is amazed. They cut to Holloway and he's dismissive. WTH? I thought David was the android.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

The other scene that was ruined because the characters reacted in a manner that didn't ring true: Fifield and Millburn encounter the facehugger worm and Millburn approaches it like it is a kitten. When just 5 or 10 minutes before - his panties are in bind to get back on the ship just at the site of a DEAD engineer. Makes no sense unless his actions serve only to get him killed in that scene.