Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Not meant to be racist. I'm Asian myself. Simply basing on which nation is more advanced in robotics at the moment.

I'm sorry, but that's the dumbest thing I've heard in this thead. It's movie for god's sake.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

So, you're saying scientists don't feel disappointment?

Not "oh my hypothesis didn't pan out in a day, let me hit the bottle for all is vanity! Never mind that we probably have a year to examine the complex, it didnt work out in a day.... so BRING THE BOOZE. *pout*"

No. Scientists researching a dream come true don't pack it in in a day. Nope. They sure don't.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

So, you're saying scientists don't feel disappointment?

A good scientist should never go into something expecting a certain result. It's bad science. However, Charlie was kind of a jerk face, so I really wasn't bothered by him acting like a baby.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

A good scientist should never go into something expecting a certain result. It's bad science. However, Charlie was kind of a jerk face, so I really wasn't bothered by him acting like a baby.

A real scientist should go into things expecting maybe to spend THE REST OF HIS LIFE proving or disproving a theory. Whichever way it goes, definitive results will probably not be achieved in less than 24 hours.

Not to mention, there were several domes in view! Imagine all that research to do.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Yes, but are you not seventeen years old? No matter this makes sense to you, for it is the reasoning of a child: no offense.

It is not the reasoning of an actual scientist.


First of all, how would you know? Second of all, consider Holloway's personality. It's not uncommon for a scientist to behave a little more eccentric than his colleagues and have an adventurous spirit, especially if he happens to be the kind that works directly in the field, hands-on. He may very well have had his doubts before, but it's hard not to get your hopes up when all of the evidence stacks so neatly together. Combine that with the excitement of "meeting our makers" and his reactions are perfectly understandable. Either you live under a rock or you're unaware that there are real people with such careers whose tendencies do not necessarily match those of the stereotypical egghead with the "everything around us is amazing" mentality.

Time and time again, I've found it hilarious that collectors and geeks feel the need to belittle the younger members of their community. Surprise, surprise. A teenager who actually knows something about action figures, movies, and geekdom. How is this even possible?

Give me a break.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread


I was thinking about the scene where they wake up the Engineer and he goes nuts. The Engineers created human life. Humans evolve to the point where they can create their own form of life. Humans are no longer the creation, they have now become the Gods. The Engineer doesn't like this.

What do you guys think?
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread


First of all, how would you know? Second of all, consider Holloway's personality. It's not uncommon for a scientist to behave a little more eccentric than his colleagues and have an adventurous spirit, especially if he happens to be the kind that works directly in the field, hands-on. Either you live under a rock or you're unaware that there are real people with such careers whose tendencies do not necessarily match those of the stereotypical egghead with the "everything around us is amazing" mentality.

Scientists that have that kind of mindset shouldn't be in the field. When your beliefs and expectations outweigh your search for the truth, you're not really a scientist anymore. I'm not saying there aren't people like this out there. There have been many examples of faked results and unethical behavior. Charlie sort of strikes me as this sort of personality. That's why I didn't like him. Shaw was much better.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

A good scientist should never go into something expecting a certain result. It's bad science.
You do realize that they were going to meet the alien race responsible for creating mankind and possibly all life on Earth, right? I don't think those rules apply here.

However, Charlie was kind of a jerk face, so I really wasn't bothered by him acting like a baby.
Charlie was a dork. A likeable, goofy dork. A guy. He wasn't that nice to the robot. Most guys wouldn't be.

And he was simply disappointed. They'd been gathering all of this information, going on tons of digs..finding the star map and understanding just what it meant..then a two-year space ship flight...all of them answers... As a scientist, as a human being..I would be pretty damn disappointed.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Scientists that have that kind of mindset shouldn't be in the field. When your beliefs and expectations outweigh your search for the truth, you're not really a scientist anymore. I'm not saying there aren't people like this out there. There have been many examples of faked results and unethical behavior. Charlie sort of strikes me as this sort of personality. That's why I didn't like him. Shaw was much better.

Agreed. Watching the movie, I almost feel like Shaw did more of the work, though we haven't seen anything to confirm that theory. Charlie's definitely a scientist, but he's still young, he's still discovering new things -- and it just so happens that his latest discovery is the most significant one in history. Honestly, it's a miracle Shaw could keep herself together. Then again, that's what gave her the edge.

I'd say Charlie and Milburn are in the same league. However restrained and mature they may normally be, all of that goes down the pipe in the midst of excitement. People like this do exist, that's what I was getting to.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

You do realize that they were going to meet the alien race responsible for creating mankind and possibly all life on Earth, right? I don't think those rules apply here.

Charlie was a dork. A likeable, goofy dork. A guy. He wasn't that nice to the robot. Most guys wouldn't be.

And he was simply disappointed. They'd been gathering all of this information, going on tons of digs..finding the star map and understanding just what it meant..then a two-year space ship flight...all of them answers... As a scientist, as a human being..I would be pretty damn disappointed.

I don't know. Just the fact that they found anything at all would be amazing to almost any reasonable person, scientist or not. Sure, it'd be great to talk to an alien or whatever, but discovering the ships and the corpses of the aliens in the exact spot in space that the civilizations on Earth pointed to would be the biggest scientific discovery ever. If I was him, I'd think it'd be an excellent opportunity to learn about this alien civilization and feel privileged that I was the first to see it. We've never directly communicated with ancient civilizations on Earth, but we've learned a great about them from what they've left behind. I'd think Charlie would see this as an opportunity rather than a disappointment.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread


First of all, how would you know?

Right back at you: how would YOU know?

It's not uncommon for a scientist to behave a little more eccentric than his colleagues and have an adventurous spirit

"Adventurous" and "childish" are not the same thing in my book. I doubt Stephen Hawking ever went off into a drunken snit when a theory of his didnt pan out in under 24 hours. I might be wrong, but I doubt it.

Time and time again, I've found it hilarious that collectors and geeks feel the need to belittle the younger members of their community. Surprise, surprise. A teenager who actually knows something about action figures, movies, and geekdom. How is this even possible?

He might know something about "action figures, movies and geekdom" but know something about logical thought and the proving or disproving of theories, scientific or otherwise.... I'm not seeing a whole lot of knowledge about those processes.

Not a put-down, as he ages he will grow in wisdom. We were all kids once.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

A good scientist should never go into something expecting a certain result. It's bad science.

You do realize that they were going to meet the alien race responsible for creating mankind and possibly all life on Earth, right? I don't think those rules apply here.

You BET YOUR BOTTOM DOLLAR those rules applied there. There, more than anywheres else! Do you know how hard scientists are on each other?!! Do you think they take stuff on faith?! Inimical to the entire process of scientific thought.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Right back at you: how would YOU know?

"Adventurous" and "childish" are not the same thing in my book. I doubt Stephen Hawking ever went off into a drunken snit when a theory of his didnt pan out in under 24 hours. I might be wrong, but I doubt it.

He might know something about "action figures, movies and geekdom" but know something about logical thought and the proving or disproving of theories, scientific or otherwise.... I'm not seeing a whole lot of knowledge about those processes.

Not a put-down, as he ages he will grow in wisdom. We were all kids once.

Not Stephen Hawking, no (it's unlikely he ever could've gone off into a drunken snit and he was certainly better-disciplined). But it is entirely possible that people like Charlie exist in the real world, and in various fields. I'm with you that his behavior was unprofessional, but there are people like him out there.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

you guys need to


and get it over with.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

You BET YOUR BOTTOM DOLLAR those rules applied there. There, more than anywheres else! Do you know how hard scientists are on each other?!! Do you think they take stuff on faith?! Inimical to the entire process of scientific thought.
My point was that although he's a scientist, he's still a human. And meeting the beings who created you is...the most..important and exciting thing imaginable? It's not like they're digging up a new Egyptian pharaoh's tomb.. It's bigger than your profession.
He has every right to be disappointed and frown for a few hours.

But, if Ridley Scott knew anything about film making..or common sense for that matter, he would know that Holloway should have been smiling and clapping when the head exploded. The disappointed look on his face shows irresponsibility and lack of intelligence. Movie ruined.

It's almost as if you all actually want to hate the movie regardless.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Very difficult for some folks to be critical of something they've convinced themselves will be awesome with a self fulfilled prophecy set of blinders.

It's almost as if you all actually want to hate the movie regardless.

How are those self fulfilled prophecy set of blinders looking on you Larj'awhateverthe____yournameis?
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

It's almost as if you all actually want to hate the movie.

That's not true. I enjoyed it a lot. I just think that it's okay to find flaws in something you enjoy as well as point out the parts that you really like a lot. That's where I stand.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

You guys take this ____ waaaaaay too serious. :lol