Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Official 3D ALIEN Prequel Discussion Thread

Sure its all on the Aintitcoolnews talkback. Thats a very well known site so I'm sure it'll be seen, for what its worth.
Re: Official 3D ALIEN Prequel Discussion Thread

just for a reference to what happens when studios make R-rated franchises into PG13 kid-friendly money grabs... Robocop 3.

as i guessed, FOX didn't like how Scott was playing so they took their ball and went home. here's how it's gonna go down now - they're gonna hire some hack who makes commercials/tv movies/music videos for a living and have their producers on set the entire time keeping him under budget and under R. and most of the budget will be spent filming it in 3D. we're gonna get another juvenile AVP-level turd made entirely to sell toys. then you and probably everyone on here will go see it and it'll make a profit and the whole thing will start over again a couple years later. this franchise is completely ____ed now.
Re: Official 3D ALIEN Prequel Discussion Thread

just for a reference to what happens when studios make R-rated franchises into PG13 kid-friendly money grabs... Robocop 3.

as i guessed, FOX didn't like how Scott was playing so they took their ball and went home. here's how it's gonna go down now - they're gonna hire some hack who makes commercials/tv movies/music videos for a living and have their producers on set the entire time keeping him under budget and under R. and most of the budget will be spent filming it in 3D. we're gonna get another juvenile AVP-level turd made entirely to sell toys. then you and probably everyone on here will go see it and it'll make a profit and the whole thing will start over again a couple years later. this franchise is completely ____ed now.

I fear thet you may have hit the proverbial nail on the head their my friend. I hope to God that you're wrong though.
Re: Official 3D ALIEN Prequel Discussion Thread

They cant take Scott off because they spent so hard trying to get him. Like I said, Scott was going to have one of his "students" make it, but Fox said it's not happening unless Scott does it.
Re: Ridley Scott's A L I E N Prequel 3D

I have 100% faith in Scott. I love that he's doing it....but if he's just seems pointless. Lower the budget, and make it R. I'm not asking for buckets of gore, that's not what Alien is about....but these things are nasty.

I hope they bring back the rape. That was a pretty interesting and scary part of the creature.
Re: Official 3D ALIEN Prequel Discussion Thread

Here's what I don't get. "Predators" was rated R. And was by FOX. It didn't make too much money compared to other movies, but everyone seemed to think it was enough to warrant a sequel. Why not take the hint and make this Alien prequel rated R? If Ridley Scott's involved, then you immediately have a great way to market it to people and they will think it's something worth seeing.

Don't get why they're convinced they have to make it PG-13 for it to bring in the dough, after what's already happened.
Re: Official 3D ALIEN Prequel Discussion Thread

Ok, I really don't know what to make of this:

Alright putting aside all the PG-13/Natalie Portman talk the thing that really bothers me is that they've decided that humans have know about the Alien before the first movie now since they have decided to have a human cast, especially if she is supposed to be part of the Marines.

Don't get me wrong I knew that there would have to be people in this movie but they could have been humanoids or something not humans.
Re: Ridley Scott's A L I E N Prequel 3D

I have 100% faith in Scott. I love that he's doing it....but if he's just seems pointless. Lower the budget, and make it R. I'm not asking for buckets of gore, that's not what Alien is about....but these things are nasty.

I hope they bring back the rape. That was a pretty interesting and scary part of the creature.

The rape? :dunno
Re: Ridley Scott's A L I E N Prequel 3D

Oh yes. Lambert rape. Tail up the booteh. Or the whoha. Which ever you want to imagine. But it happened.
Re: Official 3D ALIEN Prequel Discussion Thread

Predators was cheap. So they made it R because they could've. This is apprently big budgeted. More of a risk.

Also yes, the kids do love Predators more then Aliens. That's a fact.

Not this kid....ohhh no sir. Aliens all the way across the sky.
Re: Official 3D ALIEN Prequel Discussion Thread

And, despite predators's meager 40 million budget, it was a very good movie that most people liked.

Compared to, say, terminator salvation, which had a 200 million dollar budget, who barely anybody liked (I liked the things in the movie, not necessarily the movie itself...).
Re: Official 3D ALIEN Prequel Discussion Thread

And, despite predators's meager 40 million budget, it was a very good movie that most people liked.

Compared to, say, terminator salvation, which had a 200 million dollar budget, who barely anybody liked (I liked the things in the movie, not necessarily the movie itself...).
Re: Ridley Scott's A L I E N Prequel 3D

it would be very hard for an alien film to have that visceral, hard-edged feel if it were PG13... and please don't cite examples like "the dark knight" and whatnot. films like those don't have a creature ripping its way thru human flesh and bone. among other things.
Re: Official 3D ALIEN Prequel Discussion Thread

Predators was cheap. So they made it R because they could've. This is apprently big budgeted. More of a risk.

Also yes, the kids do love Predators more then Aliens. That's a fact.

Not this kid....ohhh no sir. Aliens all the way across the sky.

Agreed. :goodpost: