Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread
Even without the ALIEN connection it still had glaring plot-holes. Such as:
1. -Why does the black ooze CREATE & DESTROY/MUTATE?
2. -Where did the trilobite worm come from? Was it one of those earthworms or did it magically appear from the ooze?
3. -Why the hell did a squid out of all things come out of Shaw? But a human-like creature came out of the Engineer?
4. -Why do the Engineers suddenly hate humans after supposedly creating them?
But these aren't plotholes...
1. The black ooze is a bioweapon. It mutates whatever comes in contact with it. Makes creatures bigger, stronger, more aggressive, etc. This was so clearly shown in the film. That's why the ship was loaded with them..that's why Janek had to fly the Prometheus into it. The Engineer was taking the ampules to Earth to exterminate us. Not a plothole.
2. Do you mean the Hammerpede? The white snake thing? Those were mutated worms. If you're talking about the actual trilobite, it was most likely Holloway's sperm. David infected him with a very small ammount of the ooze..he had sex with Elizabeth..perhaps the ooze mutated a sperm? Who knows. Not a plothole.
3. It wasn't an actual squid. It looked like a mutated sperm, and acted like I would imagine a sperm mutated by that alien goo to act like in the alien universe. What is a sperm's purpose? To impregnate..right? Mutate that with weird alien goo and what do you have? It's behaviour was very similar to a facehuggers, also. Hatch, impregnate, die.
As for the Deacon (thing that bursted from the Engineer), well, the Engineer didn't drink alien goo and have sex with the trilobite. Maybe the trilobite just acts as..a carrier or somthing. Idunno.
Not a plothole.
4. Speculate.
But those aren't plotholes. Requiring you to use your imagination does not make somthing a plot hole. Those are just things that weren't explained step-by-step to you. That's one of the great things about this movie.
Or apparently, one of the many bad things about this movie.