Honestly, I think this movie would have been better served had they not tried to shoehorn so many Alien references into it and just went with an unrelated sci-fi film. . .of course, had they not, how many of us would have bothered to even see it?
Even though I might have enjoyed a more straight-forward Alien prequel, I can understand Scott's willingness to do something different and not just re-tread old themes. It might not have worked perfectly, but it was what he's always done best: push the limits on his very particular vision. That is what brought us Alien, Blade Runner, Black Hawk Down and Gladiator, among other great or not so great movies.
Where the heck did those bruises on Shaw's right leg come from?
From when she got banged around by the storm earlier in the movie.
Prometheus only took 60 days to film, which is ****ing insane. That's like...Rodriguez filming lengths.