Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread
Hmmm, i cannot wait to see the real antagonists. So we have the good guys (Humans/droids), We have the possible snake thing and the mutations. We also have the ship and the chair and bio suits. But they are now seemingly just tools. Then we have Mr Blue "Prometheus". But, if it is literally his name meaning then he is just a puppet for another greater power because he is the guy who give us our "fire". So, he is seemingly being held captive or forced to pilot/maintain/protect this temple and its contents. So who or what are the ones who have power over our Blue Friend? Nothing we have ever seen before. Its not like the Space Jockey is the long trunked creature we thought.
For some reason i am getting a very big Borg vibe. We see the walls of the ship morph and then we have our ampules of goo and bio mech. So i think all along there was never a " creature ". There was just this tech flying around populating the universe with variants of its own genetic code. One king dies and another takes over i think they lure a group of people every time they need a new " pilot " to maintain the ampules. Ive got a feeling that Mr Blue's time is at an end and that one of the new crew will end up being our new pilot until his time is done.