Official Sideshow 1/6th DC Comic and Game figure Discussion

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Azrael. Please Lord...give me a Sideshow Azrael and most importantly a Knightsend AzBats.
Does this mean that SSC could do a proper comic version of The Spirit?

If by The Spirit you mean Batman and/or Superman, then sure. Expect Batman and Superman, lots of Batman and Superman.
I just mean eventually, I'm expecting lots of variations of the big two, but after the JL, and all of the A-listers have received their due, I wonder if they'll move on to some of the more obscure characters.
I hope SS is able to give us nice V.

Really hoping that numero uno is that AA Batman, all of those accessories in that concept art left me drooling.
I'd be shocked if it were video game oriented, the first 1:6 figure at least, the PF was comic related, the first 1:1 was comic related and so I'd expect the same from the 1:6 and from the clues that Sideshow is leaving on their social network sites it will be Batman related. I'm heavily betting on the New 52 Batman as the first 1:6 figure and once that can is opened seeing them giving us a few in that realm before leaving. The only clues we got was Batmancentric at first and then moving on to the Man of Steel. I would imagine that in 2012 with The Dark Knight Rises hitting they'll try and capture the fandom that will be brewing and they'll move on to Superman for 2013.

The question is whether or not they'll intermix other characters into between or if they'll really stick to Batman for a bit.
I actually think a chronological thing would be awesome. I think it'd be epic if figure number 1 was First Appearance Superman, followed by Golden Age Batman, and after those two, do whatever. Do you think they'll eventually make an AA Batman, Mike?
I'd be shocked if it were video game oriented, the first 1:6 figure at least, the PF was comic related, the first 1:1 was comic related and so I'd expect the same from the 1:6 and from the clues that Sideshow is leaving on their social network sites it will be Batman related. I'm heavily betting on the New 52 Batman as the first 1:6 figure and once that can is opened seeing them giving us a few in that realm before leaving. The only clues we got was Batmancentric at first and then moving on to the Man of Steel. I would imagine that in 2012 with The Dark Knight Rises hitting they'll try and capture the fandom that will be brewing and they'll move on to Superman for 2013.

The question is whether or not they'll intermix other characters into between or if they'll really stick to Batman for a bit.

I'd actually be ok with this, i really like the new 52 Batman design. And the new 52 Superman too, so really looking forward to both of those.
Do you think they'll eventually make an AA Batman, Mike?

Absolutely. I think though it'll be an off shoot line that has its own releases not affected by the main 1:6 line similarly to how the PFs, comiquettes and artist pieces are all primarily unaffected from one another. The designs of AA/AC are unique enough to have them side by side even in close release.

I'd actually be ok with this, i really like the new 52 Batman design. And the new 52 Superman too, so really looking forward to both of those.

They've actually grown on me a lot, I'm very excited about having them in 1:6 more than any other format and I still argue that scale is where we'll get the majority of the new designs.

What do you guys think is taking them so long to reveal these things?

They need it to be successful. They avoided doing it for Marvel because of the complexity of the bodies, costumes, scales. They've obviously figured it out but it can't fail right off of the bat or else they'll look foolish. They need the first release to be applauded and not laughed around the net. The need them to be at their current levels not marginal steps up from DC Direct in any department.