Official Sideshow 1/6th DC Comic and Game figure Discussion

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Personally for me the dream offering from SSC in 1:6 outside of the Warriors of OA is the original Teen Titans. DCD teased them with Robin and saying that there'd be usage of that teen body but it never came to fruition.



I wouldn't mind an Azrael after we have about 200 other characters first.
If they can do the figures like their recent Star Wars or even G.I.JOE stuff(IG-88, Boba Fett, Roadblock, etc.) I think they'll be a huge hit and make a lot of people happy. Here's to hoping that the paintwork on those figures' final products lives up to or outdoes that of the protos. I'm hoping they'll benefit from their new, more comfortable relationship with HT in terms of improved paint, etc.
As well as the new 52 designs, i really want a "One Year Later" Tmi Drake Robin. Love that look.
Hoping we get a good array of villains too. Really want a good, Scarecrow, Ra's al Ghul and hopefully Bane too. Would also really like Firefly but i cant see that happening.
Given how many different looks most of the main characters have had I wouldn't be shocked if we saw a lot of variance. I mean think about it, things like SDCC Exclusives open up an array of opportunities. They do a Modern Batman with Black and Grey scheme (Non New 52) and offer up a Batman Incorporated look as the SDCC exclusive. Offer up Sinestro in his Sinestro Corps uniform, Green Lantern SDCC Ex, Tim Drake in his last Robin uniform, 1992 outfit SDCC Ex.

Realistically if SSC has this all figured out, this line could potentially run decades on variants alone not to mention the entire catalog of characters. The thing is what they are leading with and how long until a character is seen again. I'm all for options but I don't want six Batmans before getting one Flash or Martian Manhunter or eight Superman before getting one Zatanna or Beast Boy.

They've done multipacks a few times, I wonder if they'd be up for offering up something like a Legion pack like Matty has done a few times.
I really hope your right Mike. While i probably wouldnt get every variation, it'd be great to have the options so everyone can have their favourite designs.
I'd mostly be down for the Bat-related stuff, and would probably get a new 52 Superman, but i agree it would be great if they spaced them out with all the other characters (Green Lantern, The Flash etc) so everyone could get something at least. Then just slowly expand each line as they go along.

As for Arkham Asylum/City, Im sure they'll make Batman at least, but would be great to see the whole rogues list. I absolutely LOVE the designs from that game, i really think they got them perfect. And with the huge success of both games I think it'd be a wise move. Fingers crossed.
As for Arkham Asylum/City, Im sure they'll make Batman at least, but would be great to see the whole rogues list. I absolutely LOVE the designs from that game, i really think they got them perfect. And with the huge success of both games I think it'd be a wise move. Fingers crossed.

I think by seeing them dip early into Tomb Raider stuff and most recently the GTA figure that they'll definitely do AA/AC figures and I would imagine it'll be deep because like I said I really think it'll be a separate line and cater to that audience. I think for sure we'll get Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Catwoman, Harley, Joker but I think they'll be spaced out enough to where people won't be forced to scramble with all lines.

I want a Bane. All forms [Even B&R].

I have a feeling that they'll be both a standard and maybe even an AA/AC Bane especially given the amount of attention that character will receive in the coming year.

I'd love an animated series line. Any hope of this?

Maybe but it probably not be what you want. Most people want a Bruce Timm style just in a 12" formatting. IF Sideshow does it, I could see them going more the Clone Wars route where they take the animated style and put it to a realistic portrait which isn't what most B:TAS fans are looking for.
That's actually what I'm looking for. Love the character designs, but that look doesn't seem like it'd be able to transition exactly into the real world without looking hokey.
I'll probably buy any 1/6 Batman Sideshow throws are way. Would definitely get the First Appearance, Classic blue and gray, black and grey and any BTAS stuff.
Re: Official Sideshow 1/6th Comic and Game figure Discussion

Still want this one to be THE FIRST.
And Joker for the next tho :lol

Same here, i think Arkham is the stuff i'm looking forward to the most. Really hoping for Joker and Scarecrow to be included. And if they do Arkham City would love to get Hugo Strange and Ra's al Ghul too.
As I said before, I would love to see the AA Batman for the shear amount of accessories. Also, is anyone else curious if SSC would do the interchangeable faces like HT? That pic at the top right next to the back view has me wondering.
As I said before, I would love to see the AA Batman for the shear amount of accessories. Also, is anyone else curious if SSC would do the interchangeable faces like HT? That pic at the top right next to the back view has me wondering.

I was thinking the exact same thing when i saw the heads up in the corner. But i cant think of any real variations they'd need. I dont remember his face being that beat up in Asylum, and i dont see that he'd need that many expressions. I guess he could have an angry face and a neutral face. :dunno

But yeah, the accessories would be great, especially if they mix in the Arkham City stuff too.
Yeah I personally prefer the Red Robin look from either the solo book or the costume's first appearance in the Kingdom Come graphic novel.

I'm not too big a fan of the new 52 redesigns...I like my Superman with his underwear on top, and my Red Robin with a full cowl lol.
I really like the redesigns. I know a lot of people arent keen on them, but i really like them. Love the new Superman look, even though im not really digging the Superman comic at the minute. And i do like the new Red Robin look, but nowhere near as much as the old design. I never read Kingdom Come, so im only aware of the Red Robin from the recent solo series. Love the whole design, the cowl, the black cape. Really wanna see a good 1/6 Red Robin.
If SSC make the Batman in Arkham City version then it would be super if they also make Red Robin from Arkham City too. In AC, Red Robin has two different looks (actually three, also the classic look, the FAT Robin, which I don't like) and I prefer the Mask Red Robin, but I also love the Hood Look. Maybe SSC should offer Red Robin with the Mask and make the Hood, cape, shirt and many more as the accessories so you can change and display either with Mask or Hood look that you like best. That would be AWESOME!!! :pray:


And Batman, it would be great too if SSC make one or two of these suit in the picture below. Love suit number 1, 3, 6. :wink1:

If sideshow do go as far into the Arkham line as to make Robin, I really hope they do his Red Robin suit as well. I'd prefer it to his regular Robin suit (which I really didn't like to begin with but admittedly its really grown on me).