I realize that the pleather was a bit controversial, but now that I see it's juxtaposed against the 1/6th equivelent of burlap sacking I'm not sure I want to get one of these anymore...Repainted the backpack to match the helmet. Not really any point in posting pics yet though. Its just red w/ the silver sigil.
Meanwhile, I 86ed the "pockets" on the pants and modded the codpiece. Two birds. One stone. Looks MUCH better.
I realize that the pleather was a bit controversial, but now that I see it's juxtaposed against the 1/6th equivelent of burlap sacking I'm not sure I want to get one of these anymore...
I'm fairly certain that that's the same type of fabric used for the the costumes of the Cobra Troopers/Officers and the most recent Snake Eyes, and if that's so, then in hand it looks like something you'd see a medieval peasant wearing. That SSC continues to use it in the first place, let alone for a character like this, is an embarassment to the hobby.That's an extreme closeup of the fabric, in hand the scale of the weave looks good.
Let me know when the listings are up, eh?You are right.
This is uncalled for.
I'm selling all my Joes now.
As if that would ever happen...You are right.
This is uncalled for.
I'm selling all my Joes now.
How dreadfully pedestrian. You could at least tie them to bottle-rockets.Damn. I can't believe all my Joes are really medieval peasants in disguise. Maybe if they were robots in disguise, I could justify hanging on to them, but no. I'm just gonna set them all on fire now.
Decal by 'FACE. The fact that its 3D as apposed to stamp/tampo makes a world of difference.
Decal by 'FACE. The fact that its 3D as apposed to stamp/tampo makes a world of difference.