Oh my fair weather friends! Who can a Mistress, Queen or King trust? If you can tell me what kind of ‘advice’ this evil extension of Saruman offers to Theoden in the ‘Dark Counsel’, you may just have the opportunity to experience the scene yourself! E-mail the word I am looking for as the subject line to MistressoftheWeb@SideshowCollectibles, along with your contact info & board name for a chance to win! (1 hour deadline from post. Please look at time /date stamp of post before you enter or it will be a shame!)
Panic=no prizes! What are you people gonna do when the prize will make you pee your pants?
Oh my fair weather friends! Who can a Mistress, Queen or King trust? If you can tell me what kind of ‘advice’ this evil extension of Saruman offers to Theoden in the ‘Dark Counsel’, you may just have the opportunity to experience the scene yourself! E-mail the word I am looking for as the subject line to MistressoftheWeb@SideshowCollectibles, along with your contact info & board name for a chance to win! (1 hour deadline from post. Please look at time /date stamp of post before you enter or it will be a shame!)