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I am hating Chriswell right now.

That's actually one of the easiest clues so far in spook. When you find it you'll :slap it's so easy. :lol

No. (<-- there's a clue there)

You want to seek the Minister's guidance in finding a catalog that has a number rhyming with 'great'. Just remember, grammar and punctuation count to the search engine.

If he hasn't gotten it based on all the stuff that's already been posted, sell it to him. He'll only flip the statue anyway. :nana:
alright, this friggin catalog question is just pissing me off now. I thougth I'd try the item numbers, I thought I tried 9, 10, 11 and no work.
There was a good clue given about this one. Think of two unrelated concepts that might both apply on a page. One might have to do with the character on that page, and the other might only be there for your convenience.

That clue only confused me more. People tend to think of two different aspects of a product. Not the product and "conditions." :lol
There was a good clue given about this one. Think of two unrelated concepts that might both apply on a page. One might have to do with the character on that page, and the other might only be there for your convenience.

I've figured out the "flexibility" part, but the angry character eludes me. I've tried smash-ing my way through this problem, but to no avail. I'm going to look for a different x-treme weapon now.
No. (<-- there's a clue there)

You want to seek the Minister's guidance in finding a catalog that has a number rhyming with 'great'. Just remember, grammar and punctuation count to the search engine.

So you search "catalog", check "ministry of information", and somewhere it tells you to use that format? I must be really dense. just want to get it over with to be to9tally honest.
There's a little box above the upper right hand corner of the comic strip. If you click that, it'll enlarge the strip for you. It's not illegible on the larger version. Pretty friggin' clear actually.

That did it, my program was distorting it really bad but when I enlarged using the link to enlarge is was clear as day. Thank you very much.
There's just something about the way the search engine behaves that makes it harder than it really should be. You have to type in exactly what it wants or you get nothing.
Thanks Nam for PM, and Robo. Still reading. I guess I assumed that these would all have dates of 10/26 in the replies, and none that I'm seeing foloowing that procedure have recent dates.