I found the links to the products in the comic, and one hidden word, but nothing that seemed to be a freebie.
There was a word in the comics that led to a freebie, but it's gone now.
I found the links to the products in the comic, and one hidden word, but nothing that seemed to be a freebie.
Where was it?
Nah, just to get ppl to buy things that don't move...I think they're putting links in the comic just to frack with us!!!
The word is physically gone from the panel now?
The word is physically gone from the panel now?
Huh... I could've sworn I typed in all of the sound effect words and got nothing... Oh well.
So, when's the new product reveal today?
missed it too...everytime I opened the mort comic section I kept getting yesterdays mort comic...oh well...
Tick went by real fast. I wouldn't doubt some "groups" may be helping each other out.