me too.... DAMN, MISSED THE TICK BOTH TIMES...MAN JUST REALLY WANTED TO KNOW WHICH ONE IT WASi was looking all over for krueger stuff
me too.... DAMN, MISSED THE TICK BOTH TIMES...MAN JUST REALLY WANTED TO KNOW WHICH ONE IT WASi was looking all over for krueger stuff
MAN JUST REALLY WANTED TO KNOW WHICH ONE IT WASi was looking all over for krueger stuff
Thanks anyway. when did they post the 20th word?If I had any words, I would help you. As it is, I think I only have #20, and that's not much of a thought.
If it's over, you don't need to send a PM, just post it.
Sorry, I figured some people would want to look for it themselves anyway.
Thanks anyway. when did they post the 20th word?
i'm glad that a search for FREDDY doesn't yield that figure in the results. WTF?"!"!
Did anyone here actually get one of the Ticks?
Is Criswell dead for everyone else?
Warning: include(/usr/home/sites/ [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/home/sites/ : eval()'d code on line 2
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/usr/home/sites/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/share/pear') in /usr/home/sites/ : eval()'d code
You must be joking.