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You new signature is seriously turning me on. That just isn't right... I'll have to change mine later. I need to think of something cool to make...

:lol and this is a placeholder until I get home.

So, who won what?

I got a GC for knowing Alex's cat's name. Not the best prize but considering how in chat she openly said I wasn't going to win a thing because I tease her too much (I know she was joking) its that much sweeter because it was about her. :D

Are you stoked about Tron: Legacy (look down :D)?

It's blocked at work but I'm assuming knowing RD that its awesome.
Shouldn't of released, Wolverine PF, Sabretooth PF, Iron Crap Mark IV, HULK 1:1, Gambit PF, Silver Surfer Com all in the month of August :lecture

yeah i can see some people getting bent over the fact they order stuff and then it all happens to hit on one month. even if only one of them things hit on one month other will be pushed up or delayed to make it so you get 4 thing in one month.

even flexing them doesn't help much for some cause then when the flexing is going on you get hit with yet a couple of more pieces, so sooner of later you have to pay the piper.

people just have to watch and be more aware of what they've ordered and what's new to be released and plan accordingly.:lol yeah yeah, i know it'd damn hard since ssc is so tight lipped about new releases.
i mean how can anyone plan ahead when we only get 1 weeks notice for most releases.:dunno
...rather than try to take it over right away.

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At this point, I'm not even going to bother posting new losses, because a) it's kind of a given, and b) it will require much less posting on my part :lol.

I'll only post if I win something. But if that happens, don't bother replying, because I'll be unconscious on the floor, and I won't see them.
You've been drinking Josh Juice. :lol

ouch :monkey2:lol

I'd say you've been sharing shots of Josh Juice with Kabuki, but Josh actually agrees to some extent with what I'm about to say. Sideshow has got to accept a certain amount of responsibility for that themselves. Overzealous edition sizes, poor character choices, lackluster production pieces and shipping delays that cause everything to get lumped together are also all very valid reasons why their warehouse is full of these items.

I do agree with you. I don't want to shock the masses that think I think SS does no wrong but I do tend to agree. They're not perfect, I don't think they're perfect, and they know all of that too.

Now, as far as Spook. I've had some time to digest it today and last night but I agree spook had issues. You have word and site glitches which cause issues. Probably spread a bit too thin for most folks. I dont mind it so much because I really check the social media stuff way more than I should but do see where it would bother some. The deals on most things where items that I wasn't interested in which normally isn't the case or deals for me and my $$$ situation not quite enough to get me to pull the trigger. I would like to see them have had a bigger presence here on the site.

Now, the issue that bothers me is the begger nature of some folks I saw in chat. I was annoyed by so many folks begging all the damn time for something. Then once they win begging for more. Of course I was also annoyed a bit by some getting upset that how can they not have won something. Something I worry about with all the new folks being brought in is I hope they stay and be apart of this community and support Sideshow. It annoys me a lot when I see new folks win that just win and run. I've seen it at the freaks party several times and have seen it at spook as well. Please if you win stick around and join us. For the most part we're a good group.
As somebody who has won one or two of these site contests in the past, I can tell you that I've found out from the web site and not e-mail each time.
LOL! I had the dates all wrong so basically had no chance of winning anything. :slap

I thought 2006 was Sideshow's first Spook? What was the final question again?
Scavenger hunt winners up. Anyone?
GRAND PRIZE WINNER: Harrison D. from Conyers, GA
Prize: Iron Man Mark III 1:2 Scale Maquette

Randomly Selected RUNNER-UP #1: Sara W. from Naperville, IL
Prize: Whiplash 12-inch Figure

Randomly Selected RUNNER-UP #2: Alex von E. from The Netherlands
Prize: Whiplash 12-inch Figure

Randomly Selected RUNNER-UP #3: Sanjai V. from Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Prize: Whiplash 12-inch Figure

I'm not one of them. I just figured I'd make it easy for everyone and post it here. Whoever D. Harrison is, CONGRATULATIONS! That is one BAD-ASS PRIZE!!!
A few more contests have winners posted now...
Everything appears to be posted EXCEPT for the Gollum contest. I wonder if they just forgot to update that one... The Jason PF winner is up. I'm jealous of that one! :monkey2

Congrats to all of the contest winners, whether it be from entering online, to winning in chat, to winning on Facebook or Twitter! There was lots more competition than usual, so no win should be taken for granted! And most importantly, I HOPE EVERYONE HAD FUN!!! I know I did...