Oh no! No Peter Jackson on The Hobbit

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After reading the book I was really looking forward to seeing this made into a film - but now PJ isn't gonna be involved I'm not so sure as I can't see it being as good as the LOTR trilogy without his involvement!! What are new New Line thinking????:confused:
jedi80 said:
What are new New Line thinking????:confused:

It's all about the money. Plain and Simple. NL wants it done now so they can get theirs. PJ & Crew want their money from the law suit so in the end both sides are being greedy and the fans get ****ed.:monkey4
It's sad that Jackson and his crew won't be involved in this, but it could also be very interesting to see a different take on the LOTR universe. Stil, tough job for whoever is going to direct it.
carbo-fation said:
WTF!?!!?!!?! Are they insane? This movie is going to blow without PJ!

I have a feeling you are going to be more correct than you know. Everyone should be an adult and disucss the lawsuit after the movie is made. As much as I want to just take NL and put a cap in their ass PJ isn't being much help here either since the lawsuit must be worked out first.

:banghead :mad: :007 :cuss :cuss :cuss :cuss :cuss
My Prediction!!!

1. New Line will shoot a mediocre, ****ty version of The Hobbit to try and make some money.

2. Rights will move back to Saul in 2007 ( I think that OneRing insider who saw The Hobbit circled in 2007 on New Line's calendar was the date the rights were up, not the start of production date)

3. Peter Jackson will do a remake of the crappy version maybe to be released in 2010, 2011. I have nightmares of the Dumb & Dumber and Mask remake New Line tried to do without the original talent.

4. New Line is hated by LOTR fans everywhere....I could only hope :D
For now I'll bide my time. It was only last week or so that someone from MGM (I think) said that they had already talked to PJ about the Hobbit. If we're lucky this could just be the opening shot in the "game" to settle the lawsuit. It might just be NL saying "look PJ, we don't need you really, we can always get someone else, so why don't you settle the lawsuit amicably and then we might think about letting you do the Hobbit?". As someone else said above "a fools hope" maybe, but these things are rarely settled overnight so just let the dust settle and we'll see what happens. Similarly, as these quotes have apparently come from PJ, it might actually be him stirring it a bit - big fan backlash and NL might be more ready to settle the lawsuit...
MGM have to be involved at some stage and if they're talking to PJ then things might start to happen. Watch this space as I doubt we've seen the last of this...
I hope MGM tells NL to **** off if they don't want to use PJ putting an end to the Hobbit Happening till PJ can do it.
I think that possibly Ian McKellen might not go for the Hobbit now that Peter Jackson isn't directing (didn't he say that before? or was it the other way around...) and if they don't get Ian McKellen as Gandalf there's no way in Hades this is going to work. Ian was perfect.
Ian McKellen might not be completely out.

He worked with Brett Ratner on X3, and now that Ratner is being brought in to do "The Hobbit" he might still play Gandalf.

tomandshell said:
Ian McKellen might not be completely out.

He worked with Brett Ratner on X3, and now that Ratner is being brought in to do "The Hobbit" he might still play Gandalf.


Ratner is doing The Hobbit? Does it say this in the Coming Soon article cause I can't see that from school?
No, I was being sarcastic. He just seems to be the guy on the other end of the line when Hollywood calls the movie paramedics to come in and do emergency hack work on a franchise in need.
tomandshell said:
No, I was being sarcastic. He just seems to be the guy on the other end of the line when Hollywood calls the movie paramedics to come in and do emergency hack work on a franchise in need.

Got ya. I'm just numb.

We gotta start a petetion or something!!!! We can't let this happen!!!!

Brothers! We need to come together in a hard situation like this!
PJ is digging in his heels and won't talk to New Line until the law suit is settled. The production folks at New Line aren't going to sit around and wait for the accounting folks to get their ducks in a row--they want this movie made. PJ had the option of working with the production people while awating the outcome of the suit against the accountants and he decided not to do this. It was ultimately his call. It's a bummer, but it sounds like the decision to focus on money instead of getting a chance to do The Hobbit was his. It's a shame that New Line didn't respond by postponing the project indefinitely, but they did what they did in response to PJ's unwillingness to talk until the legal issues were settled.

The whole situation is a frustrating mess.
tomandshell said:
PJ is digging in his heels and won't talk to New Line until the law suit is settled. The production folks at New Line aren't going to sit around and wait for the accounting folks to get their ducks in a row--they want this movie made. PJ had the option of working with the production people while awating the outcome of the suit against the accountants and he decided not to do this. It was ultimately his call. It's a bummer, but it sounds like the decision to focus on money instead of getting a chance to do The Hobbit was his. It's a shame that New Line didn't respond by postponing the project indefinitely, but they did what they did in response to PJ's unwillingness to talk until the legal issues were settled.

The whole situation is a frustrating mess.
Yeah... It sounds awfully retalitory to me as well. I can't help but think that cooler heads wil eventually prevail... Alot of pride in the way on both sides, me thinks. :confused:
tomandshell said:
PJ is digging in his heels and won't talk to New Line until the law suit is settled. The production folks at New Line aren't going to sit around and wait for the accounting folks to get their ducks in a row--they want this movie made. PJ had the option of working with the production people while awating the outcome of the suit against the accountants and he decided not to do this. It was ultimately his call. It's a bummer, but it sounds like the decision to focus on money instead of getting a chance to do The Hobbit was his. It's a shame that New Line didn't respond by postponing the project indefinitely, but they did what they did in response to PJ's unwillingness to talk until the legal issues were settled.

The whole situation is a frustrating mess.

yeah both sides are acting like small children. I'm so ****ing mad right now I could strangle someone.

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